Grimoire of Chaos Magick - Julian Wilde.pdf

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Julian Wilde
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
The Grimoire of Chaos Magick, by Julian Wilde.
Originally published by Sorcerer’s Apprentice Press.
Electronic version by Phil Legard, 1999.
A PRIMING - foreward
The purpose of this book/manual is solely to aid the reader in his/her
unfolding/developing/inner growth/individuation. This magickal process must
inevitably be accompanied by some pain, doubt and disillusionment. We have endured
(but so far SURVIVED!) years of conditioning and repression and to break free from
this protective but limiting shell is an act of courage and perhaps for some of us, an act
of desperation.
Modern life, as lived by most of us, seems to conspire against our being 'awake'. The
robotic self, originally evolved as a necessary/defensive element of human
consciousness, has now become almost too efficient, assuming more and more
authority and allowing us to sleep far more than is 'good' for us, for instance, to drive a
car adequaely whilst engaged in conversation. Difficulties arise when the robot begins
to operate where/when it is not necessary/appropriate, undermining free will and
narrowing our choice of alternative attitudes/decisions/actions.
It is time we awake to our own ignorance. By injecting energy into our perceptions
and learning to assimilate the increased feedback we may confidently expect from such
an act of positivity/commitment, we are able to penetrate more deeply/participate more
fully in/to living situations.
To always rule, rather than to be ruled by, the robot, to constantly maintain one's high
level or attentiveness, is virtually impossible. One split-second of inattention and we
may find ourselves floundering once more in habitual/pre-programmed modes of
attitude/communication/action. It can prove enormously difficult throughout even one
lengthy conversation to never slip into some half-hearted agreement or skate over
irksome/uninteresting points until some new/random phrase re-kindles our flagging
concentration. When reading books we often selectively skip passages or even whole
chapters when the contents fail to stimulate us sufficiently (or fail to confirm our
prejudices/mental fore-closures).
These tendencies, though minor in their manifestation, are symptomatic of our
incredible reluctance to really PAY ATTENTION - to information around us, to other
people, even to ourselves (what our bodies, minds or feelings are trying to tell us) and
yet a high level of inner attention is essential for the great magickal work, whether you
call the goal of that work enlightenment, liberation or inner growth.
It seems that to achieve this necessary high level of awareness (= balance = being
centered) one must have a motive (sincere desire for wisdom/power/freedom),
something at stake (sanity/self-esteem/emotional independence) or simply a passion
for/an obsession with the unfolding of the self/self-programming/magickal experiences
etc. As one enlightened master once remarked, "By passion is the world bound, by
passion it may be released." Motive however is not enought - one also needs methods,
practical techniques for changing, sharpening and directing awareness. These
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
practiques lead one through various experiences/conclusions to a deeper
understanding, a freer creativity and an emotional and mental liberation.
The journey though is not an easy one - many great seekers/warriors/magickians have
suffered both mental and physical turmoil as a consequence of their spiritual/sorcerous
experimentations - Gopi Sharma, one of the leading exponents of Kundalini Yoga,
underwent years of anguish and torment, one of the Merlins, Merlin Wylte, lost and
finally regained his sanity. Not for nothing are shamans dubbed "the wounded healers"
- many great "travellers" are/become deeply divided beings on the quest for
The quest however, is a glorious one - a path of doubt and faith, disillusionment and
joy, ensnarement and freedom, and can ultimately lead to the pinnacle of human
achievement - to discover and express the (more) real self/selves.
Chaos magick, when not in the hands, hearts and pens of elitists or those who have
exchanged old ideologies and "isms" for a new, equally restrictive set of beliefs and
practices (and prejudices), is an eclectic, umbrella term for the sum and total of all
magickal endeavor, from so-called primitive shamanic practiques to the most
sophisticated hermetic or kabalic systems. It may include elements from wicca, tantra,
oriental metaphysics, "Crowleyanity" and anything else that could conceivably prove
Chaos (perhaps in future it should be reffered to as Khaos or Kaos to distinguish it
from the banal or dictionary use of the word) magick is not simply another system,
another alternative to mainstream tradition, a new, provocotive flavour for jaded
magickal appetites. It is any technique that works, any world-view that proves helpful -
it is the employment of any beneficial systems coupled with an awareness of the
limitations of that system and an urge to transcent such restrictions. It leads/should
lead to the creation/evolution of a much more individual, personalised world-view/set
of magickal practices. Chaos magick is non-political (unless practiced by politicians),
non-sexist, non-ageist and non-racist (unless of course it is employed by those who still
harbour doubts or prejudices in these areas). Above all, it is non-missionary - it cannot
be, for there is no set system to sell, no mandatory beliefs to embrace or reject and no
compulsory practices or festivals to observe or scorn. Chaos magick is a constant state
of unfolding/flux/uncertainty. The character Paul in Frank Herbert's "Dune" concludes
that the path of certainty is also the path of stagnation or even death. If you, the reader
have any certainties about magickal law/gender-roles/occult leadership/spiritual
companionship - prepare to shed them now...
Chaos magick is YOUR magick - if and when you find it/you.
It is the author's sincere wish that this manual will be of help on your journey. All
concepts/rituals/practiques/belief-patterns contained herein are presented as working
models only, awaiting your personal touch to be experiences, explored, understood,
altered and ultimately transcended. The book may at first glance appear to contain
much that is theoretical/conceptual and a lesser amount of hard, sharply-defined
practical work. This is not so - what you bring to the exercises by way or
attitude/approach has great bearing on the ultimate results. It is perhaps worth
repeating that the chaos-activity presented here is deliberately open-ended, purposely
susceptible to adaption/transformation. This book is merely your ticket and programme
for the great game - YOU are the main action...
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
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