00 - VA - Samhain - 2010 - NEURO011 -D- Info File.txt

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VA - Samhain

Artist:        Various Artists
Title:         Samhain
Label:         Neurotrance Records
Id Number:     NEURO011
Compiled by:   Deep South
Mastered by:   Erofex
Artwork:       Heidacraft
Genre:         Multigenre
Format:        MP3 - WAV - FLAC
Lenght:        74:58
Release Date:  October 30th 2010


01 - Chamakani - Ka (3:23) (58 BPM)
02 - Conexion Animas - Espiritus Silenciosos (7:31) (104 BPM)
03 - Pitukolitz - The Samhain Club (8:13) (127 BPM)
04 - Metzanima - Heartcore (8:13) (139 BPM)
05 - Le Guide - Fongus (7:40) (138 BPM)
06 - Urucubaca - O Selo da Evolu??o (9:41) (145 BPM)
07 - Lattus - Ilogic (7:43) (144 BPM)
08 - Erofex - Gold and Silver (8:22) (148 BPM)
09 - Deep Reaction - Fool Moon (7:29) (154 BPM)
10 - Zen control - Desfile Fantasma (6:52) (126 BPM)

Release Information:

Neurotrance Records presents the first musical complilation for the anual festival of music, art and alternative culture Samhain that promotes bolivian and international artists from the electronic scene, next to the audiovisual, literary, theatrical and plastic beauty of other artists. with the desire not only to encourage an electronic party, but to create peace and brotherhood on the day of the dead, remembering the values of love and respect and finding a reason to be inside the natural beauty of Bolivia.
This is a release compiled by Deep South, that started in 2004 mixing deep hard psytrance beats in known nightclubs and various outdoor parties. In 2004, Deep South is integrated to Neurotrance Records as a DJ and in the year 2006, starts with music production finding his own sounds into Full on Dark, Forest and Darkpsytrance, today, with a formed and established carrer, advanced musical production and participation in festival production such as Samhain, Deep South is an oficial promoter of psytrance in Bolivia.


Licensed under the Creative Commons for noncommercial usage. You are encouraged to share, copy, broadcast, and perform this release! Some rights reserved; see web site for full details:


Neurotrance Records 2010

"Free the music because the music sets you free" 



Informacion del lanzamiento:

Neurotrance Records presenta el primer compilado de m?sica para el festival anual de arte y cultura alternativa Samhain, que promueve artistas de la escena electr?nica boliviana e internacional, junto a la belleza audio visual, literaria, teatral y pl?stica de otros creadores. Con el deseo de incentivar no s?lo una fiesta electr?nica, sino tambi?n la paz y la hermandad en el d?a de los muertos, promoviendo valores de respeto y amor, que encuentren su raz?n de ser en la belleza natural de Bolivia.

Este es un disco compilado por Deep South,  quien comienza el a?o 2004 mezclando psytrance en clubs y fiestas al aire libre. El 2004 se integra a Neurotrance Records como DJ y el a?o 2006 empieza con la producci?n musical concentr?ndose en el estilo Full On Dark y Progressive, a la fecha con una carrera art?stica formada, bastantes tracks producidos y su participaci?n en la producci?n en eventos de realce como es el Festival Samhain; Deep  South es uno de los principales exponentes del psytrance en Bolivia.



Obra protegida por la licencia internacional Creative Commons para uso no comercial. Este obra se puede copiar y difundir. Algunos derechos estan reservados. Visite la siguiente pagina para ver el detalle:


Neurotrance Records 2010

"Libera la m?sica por que la m?sica te libera" 

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