After cutting the strings.doc

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After cutting the strings

After cutting the strings... fold in half and add a knot at the folded end. Place the knot in the clip of the clipboard to hold it in place while you create the knots for the bracelet.

clipboard.gif - 4547 Bytes


Right Half Knot
HalfKnot01.gif - 2825 BytesHalfKnot02.gif - 3152 BytesKnotDone.gif - 1860 Bytes 


Left Half Knot
HalfKnot01r.gif - 2840 BytesHalfKnot02r.gif - 3141 BytesKnotDoneR.gif - 1849 Bytes 


Depending on what hand you use... use the right or left handed knots to create your bracelet. Only use ONE knot for this bracelet... do not use both the right and left knots... either use right OR left.



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