Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej Nr 208 z 2004.pdf

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J. ABRAMCZYK: A new proposal for determination of ruled surfaces ...... 5
L. BICHAJŁO: Alternatywa dla wiaduktów nad liniami kolejowymi ......... 19
B. JANUSZEWSKI: Pewien sposób graficznego zapisu perspektywy pio-
nowej figur przestrzeni M 4 .................................................................. 27
J. JAREMSKI, G. STRAŻ: Badania parametrów gruntowych pyłów rze-
szowskich przy pomocy aparatu GDS instruments LTD .................... 37
J. JAREMSKI, K. WILK: Analiza wpływu zmian zawilgocenia gruntów
madowych wywołanych stanami powodziowymi na parametry geo-
techniczne ........................................................................................... 47
P. LUDERA: Charakterystyka cech mechanicznych młodego betonu
w elementach średniomasywnych. Przegląd literatury i badania
własne ................................................................................................. 55
J. ŁAKOMY: Wpływ włókien szklanych i polipropylenowych na właści-
wości zapraw cementowych ............................................................... 73
L. PIANOWSKI: Problem dokładności pomiarów kontrolnych w budow-
nictwie ................................................................................................ 81
A. PROKOPSKA: Koncepcja architektoniczna rozbudowy i modernizacji
istniejącego budynku .......................................................................... 93
G. PROKOPSKI, J. HALBINIAK, B. LANGIER: Wpływ czasu dojrze-
wania na właściwości betonu żwirowego ........................................... 109
A. RYBKA, B. DROZD: Kształtowanie domów jednorodzinnych wyko-
rzystujących energię słoneczną ........................................................... 121
T. SIWOWSKI, M. PIEKIEŁEK: Studium modernizacji mostu przez Wi-
słę w Nagnajowie z wykorzystaniem pomostu aluminiowego ........... 135
A. STARAKIEWICZ: Azbest w budynkach – problem do mądrego roz-
wiązania .............................................................................................. 151
A. STARAKIEWICZ: Hydroizolacje w obiektach budowlanych – prze-
gląd materiałów .................................................................................. 159
S. WOLIŃSKI: Metody symulacyjne w probabilistycznym projektowaniu
konstrukcji z betonu ............................................................................ 169
J. ZYGMUNT: Zastosowanie prefabrykacji na przykładach wybranych
obiektów ............................................................................................. 187
Nr 208
Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska z. 36
Rzeszów University of Technology
The paper describes a uniform geometrical way of determination all ruled surfaces
including undevelopable ones. The presented way is based on the properties of
ruled surfaces known from projective and differential geometries but it is different
from the conventional methods. This way has been by the author called the way of
striction line.
1. Introduction
Each ruled surface is made up of infinitely large number of straight lines v i
called rulings [1, 2]. We assume that each ruled surface σ is determined if it is
possible to create every ruling v i of the ruled surface σ [3-5]. A set of geometri-
cal elements including points, lines, planes determining required ruled surface σ
is called the Γ figure determining the σ surface [4, 5]. We can determine each
ruling of σ on the basis of Γ and with the help of well-known operations [3-6].
For example, the Γ figure for a hyperbolical paraboloid can be made up of three
straight lines being skew lines in relation to each other. These lines also have to
be parallel to the same plane and are called directrices of σ. If we want to obtain
any ruling of the paraboloid, we ought to pass a plane through one directrix. This
plane intersects two other directices at two points determining the ruling being
sought. In the same way we can determine the others rulings.
Classical ways of determination of each type ruled surfaces applied in pro-
jective geometry are generally based on separating the ways of creating different
types of developable and undevelopable ruled surfaces [3-5], including the fol-
1) various types of the Γ figures and different from each other rules of determi-
nation of the ruled surfaces,
2) different descriptions of creating both types of the ruled surfaces and then
general similarities between various types of these surfaces are shown.
In the paper, a new uniform method is proposed for the creation the σ ruled
surfaces and the Γ figure determining σ. This is a difference – geometric method
J. Abramczyk
the author called the one of striction line. In this method, the determination of all
sorts of the σ surfaces is generally different from the ones known from descrip-
tive [3-6] and differential [1, 2, 7, 8] geometries although it is based on both
classes of geometry. Therefore, it is possible to classify various ruled surfaces in
the way different from those used in teaching geometry at technical schools.
The author proposed to make capital of the presented method of determin-
ing the ruled surfaces for shaping corrugated building shells P b made up of many
deformed profiled sheets in the way describing particular geometric properties
appearing during deformation of the sheets [9-11]. A general ruled surface of
relatively free type can be an ideal geometric model for P b [9, 12]. Each sheet of
P b can be shaped as the central patch W i of a ruled paraboloid ω i , Fig. 1 [10, 13,
14]. The Σ structure having, as a rule, disturbances of the smoothness appearing
themselves along the segments common for each pair of the adjacent W i– 1 and W i
patches, is a result of the composition of these W i , Fig. 2 [12, 16]. Therefore, it is
the imperative to create the Σ structure of which configuration will be approxi-
mated to the σ ruled surface – the ideal model of P b [12, 16].
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
A new proposal for determination ...
2. Assumptions for the method of the striction line
First, the general vector equation of a ruled surface is presented:
uur ur uur
tm c t m p t
uuur – the position vector of the C i point of the c directrix of σ,
i ct
uur – the direct versor of the rulings of σ,
i ct and – the vectors dependent on the same t parameter as well as σ
[1, 2, 7, 8],
i pt
m – the parameter of the position of each C i point of the v i ruling.
From eq. (1) it follows that the Γ figure is made up of:
1) the c directrix,
2) the { p i } vector field – continuous set of the
i pt
versors starting from the
s point,
3) any interdependence between the C i points of c and the
same O
i pt
versors called
by the author the K definite homology, Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
The O s point is the center of the Φ sphere of elementary radius. A bundle
of all p i straight lines the author called the X p directing form. Each of the v i rul-
ings of the σ surface is received with the help of the X p directing form in the
following way. The K homology and the C i points of c and the
i pt
versors can
be assumed arbitrarily in continuous way. Each v
i ruling is a straight line passing
σ = + ⋅
(, ) ()
i pt
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