Judge Dredd We Are the Law.pdf

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Judge Dredd - We Are The Law
Judge Outlines 3
a complete list of Mega-City One judges, with a
departmental uniform guide
Justice Technology
adapting D20 judge material to the Out-
Draw rules, plus brand new items
New Material
outlines for Genetic Infantrymen and
silencer assassins, and data concerning the
Justice-series transports
Hall of Heroes 16
profiles of the most famous Mega-City One
Black Museum 21
profiles for the most infamous Mega-City
One judges
Text & Typography John Caliber Cover Art Brian Bol-
land Interior Art Terry Austin, Jim Baikie, Brian Bol-
land, John Burns, John Caliber, Carlos Ezquerra, Hen-
ry Flint, Ian Gibson, Cam Kennedy, Paul Marshall,
Brendan McCarthy, Mike McMahon, Colin McNeil, Cliff
Robinson, Will Simpson, Ron Smith and Colin Wilson
Titan 24
sourcebook detailing the dreaded Justice
Department penal colony
Dredds Comportment 30
selected excerpts from the handbook every
judge should have in his dorm locker
Disclaimer Judge Dredd - We Are The Law, is published
on a purely non-profit basis by Cast Iron Graphics, 1
Masefield Avenue, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 3GZ, Unit-
ed Kingdom. The authors of Judge Dredd - We Are The
Law in no way seek to claim legal ownership of the Judge
Dredd property which is © Rebellion A/S 2003, or any
material published in Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game prod-
ucts as licensed by Mongoose Publishing Ltd 2003. Judge
Dredd - We Are The Law is an unauthorised Judge Dredd
publication. All original material generated exclusively for
Judge Dredd - We Are The Law, including original text
and artwork, is the copyright of John Caliber © 2003.
Cast Iron Graphics & OutDraw [OD] are © John Caliber
2003. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
form without the express permission of John Caliber
Penal Codes xx
sentencing guidelines replacing those in the
Judge Dredd Rulebook
Judge Jargon xx
terminology used by Mega-City One judges,
and a catalogue of street judge field gear
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Judge Dredd - We Are the Law
The OutDraw rules allows players to select judges
of any description and any physical age without first
having to gain any prerequisite skills and ranks,
ensuring that players are able to create charac-
ters close in stature to the heroes of the Judge
Dredd comic strip. This rule also fits the nature of
the comic strip, in that judges leave the Academy
of Law already settled in their specialist profes-
sion without first having to dotime as a street
judge; Academy training has already schooled judg-
es in this facet of their lives
Lawgivers on a day to day basis, but will be armed
with such if called to enter combat, for example to
defend the sector house
Car [2/3] Fig [2/3] IQ [3/4] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/3] Str
[2/3] Tek [3/5] Weapons Lawgiver Mk1a, bootknife
Equipment street judge ar-
mour, calculator, audit droid
Exorcist Judge
Cadet Judge
Car [2/3] Fig [2/4] IQ [3/5] Psi [0/2] Spd [2/4] Str
[2/4] Tek [3/5] Weapons Lawgiver (silver-tipped
rounds), silver bootknife Equipment customised
street judge armour, psi-focus, utility
belt Data the JDRPG is incorrect in
suggesting the exorcist judges have
psi-talent; they do not,
relying instead on
technology to do
battle with the par-
Car [1/3] Fig [1/3] IQ [2/4]
Psi [0/1] Spd [3/4] Str [2/3]
Tek [2/3] Weapons Lawgiv-
er Mk2, bootknife Equip-
ment cadet judge armour,
utility belt Vehicle Small-
Desk Judge
Car [2/3] Fig [2/3] IQ [2/4]
Psi [0/1] Spd [2/3] Str [2/4]
Tek [3/5] Weapons Lawgiv-
er Mk1a Equipment desk
judge uniform, datapad Data
desk judges do not carry
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Judge Dredd - We Are The Law
Heavy Weapons
& Riot Judge
Car [3/4] Fig [5/6] IQ [3/
4] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/4] Str
[3/6] Tek [3/4] Weapons
rifle or heavy weapon
Equipment riot armour,
riot shield, ammunition
packs, utility belt
Pursuit Squad & Sky Patrol Judge
Car [4/6] Fig [2/4] IQ [3/4] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/4] Str
[3/4] Tek [3/5] Weapons Lawgiver Mk1a, bootknife
Equipment crash suit, c-JD jet pack (same stats
as civilian model, Spd 8), utility belt Data Pursuit
Squad drivers are not all recruited from the Acad-
emy of Law; citizens displaying exceptional driving
skills have been known to be offered employment
alongside fully-fledged judges
Holocaust Squad
Car [2/5] Fig [4/5] IQ [2/
4] Psi [0/1] Spd [3/5] Str
[3/6] Te k [3/5] Weapons
whatever is necessary
Equipment holocaust suit
suit (HS/1 or HS/2), mod-
ular repair kit, utility belt
Rookie Judge
Car [3/4] Fig [3/4] IQ [3/5] Psi [0/1] Spd [3/5] Str
[3/5] Tek [3/4] Weapons Lawgiver Mk2, bootknife
Equipment street judge armour with rookies white
helmet and half eagle
badge, utility belt
Car [2/3] Fig [4/5] IQ [3/4] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/4] Str
[3/6] Tek [2/3] Weapons electro-prod Equipment
street judge armour, utility belt
Car [2/3] Fig [2/3] IQ [3/5] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/3] Str
[2/3] Tek [3/5] Weapons Lawgiver Mk1a, bootknife
Equipment customised
street judge armour, ad-
vanced medipack, utility belt
SJS Judge
Car [2/4] Fig [4/5] IQ
[3/5] Psi [0/1] Spd [2/
4] Str [3/5] Tek [3/4]
Weapons Lawgiver
Mk2, electro-prod,
bootknife Equipment
street judge ar-
mour, SJS hel-
met radio,
judge hound,
utility belt
Car [2/3] Fig [3/4] IQ [2/
5] Psi [4/6] specialisation
Spd [2/4] Str [2/3] Tek
[2/5] Weapons Lawgiver,
silver bootknife Equip-
ment street judge ar-
mour, utility belt
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Judge Dredd - We Are the Law
Street & Wally Squad Judge
Car [3/4] Fig [5/6] IQ [3/5] Psi [0/1] Spd [3/5] Str
[3/6] Tek [3/4] Weaponry Lawgiver Mk2, bootknife,
daystick Equipment street judge armour, utility belt
Tek & PSU Judge
Car [3/4] Fig [2/3] IQ [3/5]
Psi [0/1] Spd [2/4] Str [2/
3] Tek [3/6] Weapons Law-
giver Mk1a, bootknife
Equipment street judge
armour, micro forensics
lab, scanalyser;
[PSU] desk judge
uniform, data-
pad, utility belt
special chemical squad judge
judge tutor
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