Midgard Corebook.pdf

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A Roleplaying Game by Ben Redmond
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Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Midgard, the Viking roleplaying game. This short
document contains all the rules youÔll need to play your own
mythic-historical Viking roleplaying game.
States from 7em Cercle. For those of you who donÔt know it
itÔs an excellent game about the warring states period of Chi-
nese history, with loads of cool martial arts and mythical
monsters thrown in. We were just packing up after an inspir-
ing session and the thought popped into my head Ñwhat
about a game like this, but for Viking history?Ò I was already a
fan of films like the Thirteenth Warrior and books like the
Last Kingdom, and was keen to stretch my creativity on a pe-
riod of history I knew fairly little about. My gaming mates
were enthused and I got to work.
Xibu jt Njehbse
Midgard is a roleplaying game, where you take on the role of
a legendary Viking hero and complete your own epic quests. I
am specifying this as a mythic-historic settingÐthat is one in
which you try to stick closely to the history or the period, but
assume that all the gods, myths and monsters that the Viking
people believed are actually true.
I think you can probably see some Qin influences in the sys-
tem. Perhaps the key to the whole operation was finding a
dice mechanic that captured the flavour of the game. Rune
divination sprang to mind as an obvious starting point. I
played around with a few different ideas for how to do this
before I settled on the method described below. I guess es-
sentially this is similar to the ORE mechanic, but I only have
this on second-hand information.
Midgard is really
only a roleplaying system rather than a setting. As its an his-
torical setting what would be the point me spending hours
rewriting WikipediaÔs Norse myth and Viking history pages
for you, you can do that for yourself, or just make it up from
what youÔve learnt from the films, comic books and other
popular culture avenues open to you. ThereÔs always someone
who knows more about a given period of history than you so
IÔm not going to put myself on the spot,, and anyway IÔm not
sure whether I think itÔs that important: if youÔre all having
fun, who cares about historical accuracy.
So if you like Vikings read on and hopefully youÔll find a
shield-splitting, berserk-stoking, rape and pillage of a game.
At the end of the day, I hope I have managed to capture the
flavour of films like the Thirteenth Warrior that were the
inspiration for this game in my systems. If you donÔt like
them, fair enoughÐyouÔve not paid anything for it so you
shouldnÔt feel cheated. IÔm also pretty open to constructive
criticism, so if you have any thing useful to add then let me
know and if I get a chance to do something about it I might
update the doc with your ideas. Just pop over to whatever
blog or forum site you got this from and post your thoughts.
If I spot it (and IÔm sad enough to regularly check these
places) IÔll reply and discuss your ideas.
I always think itÔs useful for people reading a new roleplaying
game to know a bit about how the game was imagined and
what inspired the author to write it. If you think IÔm just be-
ing vain, feel free to skip past and onto the crunch that fol-
In the beginning was a game of the excelling Qin: the Warring
Welcome to Midgard
Xibu jt
I also think itÔs important to point out that Midgard
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Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Midgard guides you through character crea-
tion. To create your character, follow these steps:
Tufq pof; Cjsuisjhiu boe Mfhfoe
The first thing you need to do is pick a Birthright and Leg-
Your Birthright is your godly, or mundane, heritage.
Choose one of the five Gods from the god runes (Freyja,
Thor, Odin, Heimdall or Tyr), Hauld (Freeman) or Loysing
(Bondsman). Bonuses associated are detailed in part two.
Your Legend is a character template which provides bonus
skills helps you calculate your legend score. Whilst most
Viking people were fairly multi-skilled, your legend deter-
mines the aspect of Viking life within which your legend
will be written. The following legends are available (and are
described in more detail in part two): Berserker, Black-
smith, Chieftain, Huntsman, Law Reader, Merchant, Sailor,
Seidr, Skald, Trickster, Volva, or Warrior.
Tufq Uxp; Hpe Svoft
Buy your God Runes. You start with two points in each
rune, or four if you selected that runeÔs god as your birth-
right. You now have fourteen points to spend on these
runes, on a one-for-one basis. You can only increase your
god runes by a maximum of 4 points beyond their starting
level. The god runes are Freyja, covering health and natural
understanding; Thor, covering strength and skill with man-
made items; Odin, covering your magical abilities; Heimdall,
covering defending and interaction skills; and Tyr, covering
your martial capabilities.
cial table to help you calculate your base score in the quality,
which you then modify in some way to give your final qual-
ity score. Only courage doesnÔt work in this way, as courage
is a cast, rather than a simple number-based quality.
Defence: Your Defence is calculated by adding 1 to your base
from Heimdall & Tyr.
Tufq Uisff; Dbmdvmbuf Rvbmjujft
Calculate your qualities. Most qualities are calculated using a
combination of two different god rune scores. There is a spe-
Weapon Skill: Your Weapon Skill is your unmodified base
from Thor & Tyr.
Courage: Your Courage is a special cast that you will make
when faced with mental challenges. Your cast score for cour-
age is the highest of your Thor or Odin runes, whilst the bo-
nus for the cast is the lowest of these two runes divided by 2
(round up).
Combined God Runes
Quality Base Score
Wyrd: Your Wyrd is how attuned you are to nature and the
mystical realm, and manifests as points that are spent to en-
16 (or higher)
This section of Midgard
Tufq pof; Cjsuisjhiu boe Mfhfoe
Tufq Uxp; Hpe Svoft
Tufq Uisff; Dbmdvmbuf Rvbmjujft
Weapon Skill:
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Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
hance your actions and activate your supernatural powers.
Its score is calculated from your Freyja and Odin base
quality, multiplied by your legend score and your highest
total levels of gifts in a single rune.
Health: Your health score, which is both determines your
wounds and is used to resist certain physical effects. Your
health is calculated by adding three to your base from
Heimdall and Freyja.
Wounds: Your Wounds come in four different ranks. The
first rank, during which you take no penalty, contains
your health x 3 wound boxes. Your second rank, which
suffers the penalty of you receiving one merkstave token
on every cast, has 2 x health boxes. The third rank, suffer-
ing a 2 merkstave penalty, has 1.5 x health boxes. The
fourth rank has a number of boxes equal to your health
score, and suffers a 3 merkstave penalty. Your final rank
suffers a 4 merkstave penalty and has only half your health
boxes. If you have chosen the Bondsman birthright you
receive an additional box in every rank.
Tufq Gpvs; Tljmmt
You can now apply your legend skill bonuses. Each legend
provides you with the first rank in one of four skills. You
also gain a bonus skill point in two skills depending upon
whether your character is male or female. Male characters
receive a free rank in Farming and Sailing, whilst female
characters receive free ranks in Medicine and Animal Lore.
If your Legend and gender skills clash you must select the
alternative skill with your legends, and can never gain more
than a +1 bonus at character creation. You also receive thir-
teen points to spend on skills. If you take the Hauld birth-
right you receive an additional two points to spend. Costs are
as follows:
Tufq Gpvs; Tljmmt
¯ To buy a level 1 gift costs one point.
¯ To buy a level 2 gift costs two points.
¯ To buy a level 3 gift costs four points.
¯ To gain the first level in a skill costs one point.
¯ To increase a skill to 2 costs two points, in addition to any
cost that may have been incurred buying the skill before-
¯ To increase a skill to 3 costs an additional four points.
¯ To increase a skill to 4 costs an additional eight points.
Tufq Tjy; Xfbqpot boe Bsnpvs
The final step is to choose your weapons and armour. You can
choose any items that your GM feels are appropriate to your
Legend, or to your general concept. Most items are roughly
balanced according to overall effect, but also with some em-
phasis put in certain areas for flavour.
Tufq Gjwf; Svof Hjgut
The next step is to buy your rune gifts. Rune gifts are the
special powers and techniques that make your character spe-
cial. To buy a run gift you must have a legend score at least
equal to the level of the gift. You have twelve points to spend
on rune gifts, which cost as follows:
Tufq Gjwf; Svof Hjgut
Some weapons also have special restrictions put in placeÐ
these are more as a guide for the GM to determine what leg-
ends certain weapons are suitable for.
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Wjljoh Mfhfoet
This section details the different traits that make up your
Chieftain: Games (Th) or Sidr (A), Command (H) or Tactics
(T), two from Riding (F), Swords (T) or Archery (T).
Huntsman: Animal Lore (F) or Survival (F), Stealth (F) or
Navigation (F), Archery (T), Alertness (T) or Earth Lore (F).
The following birthrights are available:
Law Reader: Writing (F), Sidr (A) or learning (H), Diplomacy
(H) or Empathy (H), Law (H).
Descendant of Freyja: You can trace your line back to Freyja,
or Freyr. Gain a +2 bonus to your Freyja god rune.
Merchant: Navigation (F), Luck (A) or Sax (T), Diplomacy
(H), Deception (H) or Empathy (H).
Descendant of Thor: You can trace your line back to Thor.
Gain a +2 bonus to your Thor god rune.
Sailor: Navigation (F), Sailing (Th) or Survival (F), Command
(H) or Sax (T), Athletics (F).
Descendant of Odin: You can trace your line back to Odin.
Gain a +2 bonus to your Odin god rune.
Seidr: Rune Divination (A) or Seid (A), Sidr (A), Legends
(A), Diplomacy (H) or Deception (H).
Descendant of Heimdall: You can trace your line back to
Heimdall. Gain a +2 bonus to your Heimdall god rune.
Skald: Legends (A), Sidr (A), Diplomacy (H), and one of De-
ception (H), Learning (H) or Alertness (T).
Descendant of Tyr: You can trace your line back to Tyr. Gain a
+2 bonus to your Tyr god rune.
Trickster: Games (Th) or Seduction (H), Luck (A) or Athlet-
ics (F), Diplomacy (H), Deception (H).
Hauld: you are a freeman, afforded the full rights under the
law, but cannot trace your line back to a god. Whilst you
have no divine heritage, you are a skilled in mundane matters.
You may spend three extra points on skills.
Volva: Medicine (Th) or Empathy (H), Rune Divination (A),
Fate Weaving (A), Legends (A) or Deception (H).
Warrior: two from Sax (T), Axes (T) and Spears (T), Shields
(T), Might (Th) or Alertness (T).
Loysing: you are, or are descended from, a freed slave, but are
still dependent upon your former masterÔs homestead for
your livelihood. Your hard life has left you resilient and
tough. You gain an additional wound box for every rank.
Legend Score: You also have a legend score. This is calculated
by adding 1 to the lowest of your Legend-linked skills.
Hpe Svoft
Your legend is something of your background, but more im-
portantly it dictates what role you will take within your own
legends as the story develops. In addition to your legend type,
you also have a legend rank. Your legend rank is equal to the
lowest of the four linked skills.
The five god runes represent your characterÔs overall
strengths and capabilities.
The god runes that make up your character are:
Freyja (F): As the earth goddess, Freyja is interested in nature,
health and fertility. Your Freyja score represents your
ability to interact with the world around you. It covers
health, toughness, athleticism and agility, perception and
an understanding of the natural world.
The following legends are available:
Berserker: Survival (F) or Might (Th), Berserker (A), two from
Axes (T), Sax (T) or Wrestling (Th).
Blacksmith: Earth Lore (F) or Diplomacy (H), Might (Th),
Ironworking (Th), Sax(T) or Shields (T).
Thor (Th): As the god of the forge and thunder, Thor is con-
cerned with power and control, of manÔs dominance over
nature and a power to enact his own destiny. This rune covers
strength, manual dexterity and understanding of and ability
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Wjljoh Mfhfoet
Law Reader:
Descendant of Freyja:
Descendant of Thor:
Descendant of Odin:
Descendant of Heimdall:
Descendant of Tyr:
Legend Score:
Freyja (F):
Thor (Th):
Thor (Th):
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