Enemies Deck.pdf

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Watch for future GameMastery
Face Cards and RPG Clccessories
exclusively from Paizo Publishing.
Future Face Card sets will contain
a host ofnew portraits ready to
be used in your game. Subscribe
to the GameMastery Cards line at
p aizo.co m and never miss anothe r
Face Card rel ease!
Nut Se t: Plot Twist cards, a 54 ·card deck
that empo""crs players to control the:
narr:ltive. is due out May 201 0.
Nt Dnctioot: ~It 1«01_
G~ o.so,-:UyIUI f .-
c-I DesIp: Cotty MM;ou.....
.......... eo..c.pt """CowdiMtion: Et •• Mon.
M~ ~A. ~ .nd H.n~Woon
P\oIoMher: [ri~ MoM
"" pa izo.com/gamemaste
I .' .. .... 01010 p.;... Pu bWu"" uc. 1titf'otI~.
P.!~ ",nltd In O>il\l.
GamtM:l5t~ry Fac~ Cards depict a wide
range ofcharacttrs, from kindhearted
heroes to black·he:lrtcd villains. suihblc
for use with any f.antas), roleplaying
game. Each cud features a unique
characte r, allowing the Game M:lster
to use a different card
fo r each non player
character that appears
in game. Alternatively,
a player can use any
ofthese cards as a
portnit for his or her
own c.h3factcr. The
back ofeach card
has sp.acc to u:cord
any inform.ation
you w:mt, such as
the chuac!er's n2me,
place of residence,
brief statistics. or
personality notes.
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