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Issue 19
Winter 2004
Real Photos...
From Your Amiga
We test the Canon A80 digital camera and
i560 printer and find whether the Amiga
can cut the mustard as a home photo lab!
Also in this issue
OS 4 on Classic Amiga
AmigaForever 6 CD
USB Flash Drive
Audio Compression
Programming in C
Opus Guru
Ken’s Icons
Issue 19
Winter 2004
Over the years Amiga users
have found Directory Opus an
essential tool to help them
manage their files and with
version 5 it became even more
pervasive as a “Workbench
replacement”. GP Software, the
original developers, stopped
updating the Amiga version
some time ago in favour of the
Windows release, now at version
8. It was announced some time
ago that the rights for the Amiga
version had been sold to
Hyperion but we understand that
agreement fell through. The
prospects for a future Amiga
version looked bleak.
Because Opus 5’s Workbench
replacement mode is closely tied
to the underlying operating
system having the application
under development is particularly
important as the existing version
is unlikely to work if the OS has
been updated. This is already
the case with AmigaOS 4, Opus
5 does not currently work on the
new OS and even if it did it
would not support new features
such as more colourful icons. On
MorphOS DOpus does work,
with the exception of not
displaying PNG icons, but the
platform would still benefit from a
proper port.
Most of the Total Amiga staff are
staunch DOpus 5.x users so we
were ecstatic to learn that the
world wide exclusive rights to
Directory Opus Magellan for the
Amiga platform have been
acquired by Guru Meditation, a
Swedish Amiga dealer. In their
announcement, Guru Meditation
say they have entered into an
agreement with a UK based
specialist software firm who have
begun work on porting the
program to AmigaOS 4 and
implementing new features.
Guru Meditation told Total Amiga
that they are keeping a close eye
on the classic Amiga and
MorphOS software markets and
if there is sufficient demand to
justify the development effort
they will consider a port. Guru
Meditation hope to have more
details on the new features they
plan in time for our next issue.
Their first release of Opus for OS
4 is expected in the new year.
The full press release is
available on:
Algor Gets
More Flash
A new collection of icons has
been released by Ken Lester
which uses the 256 colour
icon format supported by
AmigaOS 4. The additional
colours allow these icons to
look more smoothly shaded
without needing a patch. The
pack, called “Ken’s Icons”,
includes drawer icons for all
the Workbench directories
and many common
applications too. The icons
can also be used on earlier
AmigaOS versions if you run
the PowerIcons patch.
Download the pack from:
Welcome to another packed
issue of Total Amiga! Thanks to
several new contributors who
responded to our request for
articles we have more variety
than ever in this issue.
As well as making contributions,
several people suggested ideas
for future articles. One of the
most popular requests was for
interviews with people important
to the Amiga scene. So in this
issue we have two interviews for
you to enjoy and we plan to
make an interview a regular
feature of the magazine from
now on.
On the AmigaOS 4 front, the first
pre-release update is out now
giving early bird AmigaOne
users a very usable OS while
they wait for the final release.
We have details of the update,
further developments and a
round up of some of the OS 4
native applications in
development in our regular “OS
4 Update” feature.
Most issues of Total Amiga seem
to end up having a theme, and
this time we have several
reviews of technology products
that can be used with the Amiga.
We start with my review of the
Canon PowerShot A80 digital
camera; which has been widely
praised in digital photography
magazines and on the web. I
cover the camera itself from my
point of view as a very amateur
photographer and the ways it
can be used with the Amiga.
Recently I was helping my
parents choose a new inkjet
printer to use with the their PC
and we happened to pick the
Canon i560. We set-up the
printer and were very impressed
with its performance and print
quality on Windows. Only at that
point did I think to see if an
Amiga driver was available and
rather to my surprise the i560
was listed as supported by the
latest TurboPrint release, 7.60.
Just how well does the printer
work on the Amiga? Find out in
our full review.
To accompany my audio
compression tutorial, Anthony
Hoffman has submitted a
detailed review of the Philips
EXP 431 a handy, pocket-sized
machine that can play your
Amiga encoded MP3s (or any
other for that matter) recorded
onto 8cm CD-ROMs. Finally
Mick Sutton has reviewed his
EasyDisk USB flash drive which
is great for file sharing between
In the fast moving world of
consumer technology products
particular models like these tend
to get replaced by enhanced
versions very quickly. We will try
to find out the Amiga
compatibility of the current
versions when this issue hits the
doormats and will post details on
the “Current Issue” page of the
Total Amiga web site.
True to their word (as always),
Cloanto have supplied us with a
copy of the Amiga Forever 6 CD
edition. You can read my opinion
of the additional features it offers
over the download edition in our
review. Sam Byford has
contributed a review of
ShowGirls, a very promising
image viewer for MorphOS that
includes thumbnailing, icon
creation and basic image
processing among its wide array
of features.
Another reader suggestion was a
for a tutorial on Commodore’s
Envoy Amiga file and printer
sharing package. This is
especially useful now that many
Amigans have and AmigaOne or
Pegasos in addition to their
classic Amiga. I’m pleased to
say that Simon Archer has
stepped into the breach and
provided us with an excellent
article, you’ll be swapping files
between your Amigas in no time!
Also in the “Support” section is
my audio compression tutorial
which covers creating MP3s on
your Amiga in various ways. We
round off with the fourth part of
DaveP’s fantastic C tutorial.
So as you can see our call for
articles and suggestions was a
success, but we need your help
to keep it up! Please get in touch
if you would like to write
something for the magazine or
have an idea for a future article!
Enjoy the mag,
Robert Williams
Editorial ..............................2
News Items ........................3
AmiWest Show Reports .....8
Mick’s Take of Woe ......... 10
Kermit Woodall Interview 12
Bill Panagouleas Interview
........................................ 14
Open Video Toaster ........ 16
AmigaOS 4 Update ......... 18
AmigaOS 4 on Classics .. 20
Canon A80 Digital Camera
........................................ 24
Canon i560 Printer .......... 26
Amiga Forever 6 CD ....... 28
Philips EXP431 ............... 30
ShowGirls........................ 31
EasyDisk USB Flash Drive
........................................ 34
Audio Compression ........ 36
Envoy .............................. 43
C Tutorial Part 4 .............. 46
E3B have released a new
“Pro” version of their Algor
Zorro II USB/Flash ROM
card. The new version is
equipped with an enlarged
Flash ROM offering 1Mb
capacity, additional data can
be stored using the integrated
compression support. The
purpose of the ROM is to
allow software modules such
as the Poseidon USB stack
and OS3.9 Kickstart modules
to be available directly at boot
up without requiring disk
access or additional reboots.
The Algor is also compatible
with AmigaOS 4 and allows
the new Kickstart modules
(kmods) to be located in
FlashROM for faster booting.
Of course the Algor Pro still
features the excellent USB
1.1 controller with 3 ports
driven by Chris Hodges’
Poseidon USB stack.
For further details visit:
The AlgorPro is available
from KDH Datentechnik at
E114.95 (about £80) and
should also be available from
other dealers:
Next Issue ....................... 50
Colour screenshots etc. .. 52
Opus Magellan may be beginning to look a little long in the tooth but
it still offers many features and options not yet found in Workbench.
It will be a valuable addition to OS4.
About Total Amiga
Total Amiga is published quarterly
by South Essex Amiga Link.
Editor: Robert Williams
Design: Robert Williams
Contributors: Simon Archer
Sam Byford
Darren Glenn
Anthony Hoffman
Magnus Johnson
Warren Katchmar
Bill Panagouleas
David Pitcher
Paul Rezendes
Mick Sutton
Proofreading: Sam Byford
Mick Sutton
Sharon Sutton
Contact Us
If you have any queries,
suggestions or want to contact us
for any reason please use one of
the following:
Post: Total Amiga,
26 Wincoat Drive,
SS7 5AH, UK.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1268 569937
(19:00 - 22:00 UK time please)
Only Amiga Software
Made it Possible
Total Amiga is designed and laid
out using:
Home built x86 PC
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
nVidia gForce 2 MX400
512Mb RAM, 40Gb HDD.
Amithlon by Bernie Meyer et. al.
Amiga OS 3.9 by Amiga
PageStream 4.1 by Softlogik
ImageFX 4.5 by Nova Design
Perfect Paint 2.93
by Georges Halvadjian
Photogenics 5 by Paul Nolan
Final Writer 5 by Softwood
Ghostscript 8.13 from artofcode
LLC ported to AmigaOS by
There are also some essential
utilities we couldn’t live without:
Directory Opus 5, SGrab, MCP,
Turbo Print 7, MakeCD.
Our thanks to the creators of this
and all the other great Amiga
software out there.
Total Amiga is entirely created
using Amiga software, no other
platforms are used at any stage of
the design or layout process.
The body text of Total Amiga is
set in Triumvirate Normal as
supplied with PageStream, the
heading typeface is Forgotten
Futurist by Ray Larabie. Take a
look at Ray’s huge range of
freeware fonts at and
his commercial foundry at
The views expressed in this
magazine are those of the author
of each piece, they do not
necessarily reflect the views of
the editor, other contributors or
Please Note: Total Amiga is
produced by the editor and
contributors in their spare time.
While we always strive to produce
the magazine on time and include
all the advertised contents this is
not always possible due to other
commitments. The price you pay
for Total Amiga covers our costs
and nothing more, we don’t make
a profit from it.
If you wish to contact a contributor
send your message to one of the
addresses in this section.
Amiga is a registered trademark
and the Amiga logo, the “Boing
Ball” device, AmigaDOS, Amiga
Kickstart, Amiga Workbench,
Autoconfig, Bridgeboard, and
Powered by Amiga are
trademarks of AMIGA Inc.
“Amigan” is copyright by Bob
Scharp and used with his
All other trademarks mentioned
are the property of their
respective owners.
Advertisers 51 42
Audio Evolution ............... 35
DiscreetFX ...................... 13
Forematt.......................... 45
Stellar Dreams ................ 23
Winter 2004
The Incredible
AmiStart 0.65
and OS 4
Shrinking Amiga!
Darius Brewka has released
version 0.65 of his start menu
and taskbar utility, AmiStart.
While it has many functions,
AmiStart’s key design goal
seems to be to look good, and to
that end it supports bitmap
textures, transparency,
antialiased TrueType fonts (using
the ttengine.library) and several
types of icon including PNG
icons if the PowerIcons patch is
• Enhancements in the latest
release include:
• Now requires a Hi/True colour
(16, 24 or 32bit) screen mode
• You can now use different tint
and label colours for each
• Corrected a bug affecting
MorphOS in the start-up code
• Able to show PNG icons
through PowerIcons patch or
Scalos with proper
• Better Scalos support for
launching applications and
opening drawers.
• Gamma slider for TrueType
• Added smoothing of rounded
edges for a nicer look
• Option to display screens on
the taskbar.
• Many other minor
improvements and bug fixes.
Ilkka Lehtoranta has released
Snoopium, a new filesystem
monitoring program for
MorphOS. Snoopium is based
on the classic Amiga utility
SnoopDOS, which was
released as open source
software by its original author
Eddy Carol. Ilkka has got
Eddy’s approval for his
development which adds a
new GUI to the program based
on MUI (MorphOS’s native
user interface) and other
MorphOS specific features.
Following the SnoopDOS
licence, Snoopium is also free
software, the application and
its source code can be
downloaded from:
IOSpirit (the developers of
applications such as fxPaint,
VHIStudio and fxScan) have
added a useful new
compatibility page to their
web site. The page lists the
compatibility of each of their
products with various
AmigaOS versions as well as
add-on PPC cards, MorphOS
and the Draco (a 68K based
Amiga compatible computer
made by Macrosystem). The
table is based on testing
carried out both by IOSpirit
themselves and compatibility
reports from users.
The four key products
mentioned above are all
compatible with Amiga OS 4
but run under the 68K
emulation. IOSpirit state that
OS 4 native ports are not
currently planned, however
the applications already
support the WarpUP. So all
three programs will be able to
use the PPC when the
planned WarpUP compatibility
is integrated into OS 4.
View the compatibility list at:
Prototype AmigaOne
motherboards in the mini-ITX
form factor (170 by 170mm)
have been displayed at various
Amiga shows over the last year
and now they have been
productionised. The official name
for these boards is the Micro
AmigaOne, which is abbreviated
as µA1. Eyetech are producing
two models, the µA1-C,
“commercial” version which has
a separate CPU board and is
available now via AmigaOne
dealers and the µA1-I (Industrial)
which has a soldered on CPU
and more features.
Many more features than the full
ATX size AmigaOne-XE have
been packed onto the µA1’s tiny
board, making up for their limited
on-board expansion options.
Both models include:
• 1 SODIMM memory expansion
slot (populated with 256Mb on
• 1 33MHz PCI slot (support for
a third party riser with up to 3
• 40 and 44 way IDE headers
• 6-channel (5.1) surround
sound (CMI8738)
• Radeon 7000 on-board
graphics with 32Mb Video RAM
AmiStart is freeware and
supports AmigaOS 3.1 - 3.9 and
MorphOS, a graphics card
running in 16bit or better is
required. Compatibility with OS 4
is not known at the time of
writing. Download the latest
version from:
A µA1-C Package complete with manual and OS 4 pre-release.
• SVGA, S-Video and Composite
video connections
• 2 USB 1.1 connectors on the
back panel and two on headers
• PS/2 mouse and keyboard,
serial, parallel and game ports
• Uboot 1.1.1, supported by
Linux and Amiga OS 4.
In addition the µA1-C features:
• A1-XE type MegArray CPU
• CPU module with fan cooled
800MHz PPC 750GX CPU
• VIA 686B ATA100 IDE
controller (DMA issue affecting
XE boards resolved)
• 3Com 10/100 Ethernet
The µA1-I has many more
features (listed below) built-in
aimed at satisfying customers
who want to build it into industrial
applications such as kiosk
machines. To make room for
these features, the CPU module
connector has been dropped in
favour of mounting the CPU
directly on the board. In an
industrial setting this is an
advantage as it removes a
potential failure point (the
MegArray connection) in a
situation subject to vibration or
rough handling. Similarly the
CPU is passively cooled and the
system can be booted from a
Compact Flash memory card,
removing the need for a fan and
hard disk respectively, two more
failure prone mechanical
• PC104 expansion slot
• ATA133 IDE using the Silicon
Image 680 chipset
• Bootable Compact flash slot.
• Gigabit Ethernet
• 256Mb on board memory plus
1 SODIMM slot
• Passively cooled, board
mounted 800MHz PPC 750GX
The first batch of µA1-C boards
has been shipped to their lucky
owners and more are currently in
production. Stellar Dreams, the
UK distributor for the AmigaOne
can reserve one for you in the
next batch. The board costs
£512, which includes a copy of
Amiga OS 4, initially the latest
pre-release will be supplied
followed by the full version when
it is ready. For further
information and to order on-line
visit the Stellar Dreams web site:
The µA1-I is not publicly
available at the time of writing.
Photos of the board, which were
shown at the BigBash 2 party,
can be found at the following
For more details on the board
and to make business enquiries
visit the Eyetech website:
Snoopium packages all the features of SnoopDOS into this
attractive MUI GUI which fits in with the rest of MorphOS.
Making Fantasy a Reality
Some of you may remember a
set of great 3D images of a
future desktop Amiga computer
rendered by Marko Hirv in about
1998. The photos showed a
sleek black computer similar to
an A1200 but with more flowing
lines and a built-in CD-ROM.
Marko called his machine the
“Amiga Fantasy”
Project Reality has been formed
to bring that machine, in the
classic desktop Amiga form
factor used by the A500, A600
and A1200, to market. The plan
is to produce a case of the
recently µA1-C or µA1-I mini-ITX
motherboards and will use other
off-the-shelf components such
as hard drives and optical drives.
A provisional specification has
been drawn up as follows:
• - Integrated USB based Amiga
style keyboard
• - PCI-Riser card, room for 1x
PCI card
• - Space for 1x EIDE HD and 1x
slimline slot-loading optical
• - Access to µA1-I Compact
Flash slot
• - 60W integrated PSU, fan less
• - External power adapter, 110 -
view Marko’s original images, 3D
renders and animations of the
work-in-progress model of the
new case and much more
information about the project on
its website:
Airsoft Softwair have released
a minor update to Hollywood,
their script-based multimedia
application. The new version
1.9.2 has numerous bug fixes
and a few new features
• Updated GUI and settings
• FULLSCREEN tooltype for
easily creating attractive full
screen presentations.
• One settings tool can now
be used to configure all the
supported systems (OS3,
WarpUP and MorphOS).
Work is under way to build a 3D
model of the case which can be
used for manufacturing. You can
The update can only be
applied to an existing 1.9
installation and can be
downloaded from the
Hollywood page of the AirSoft
One of Marko Hirv’s original Amiga Fantasy images which
has inspired the Project Reality effort.
A pre-production µA1-I. Notice the Compact Flash slot
(bottom left) and the soldered on CPU (middle right).
Winter 2004
Native AWeb
Faster, Better, More!
AWeb has become the first
Amiga web browser to offer a
native version for AmigaOS 4. A
PPC native compile of version
3.5 has been released on the
Aweb open source project
website. The new release also
contains some minor bugfixes to
the Javascript support.
We tried the new release on an
AmigaOne XE G4 800MHz and
were very impressed with the
speed. Complex pages with
tables render very quickly and
overall the speed is definitely
streets ahead of IBrowse running
under interpreted emulation. On
the other hand Aweb failed to
load some images in web pages
(this seems to be a common
problem with recent releases of
the browser) and was rather
unstable. Some users have
replicated the stability problems
we experienced while others
report few problems. Overall the
native version seems to be a
promising start and shows how
native applications make the
most of the AmigaOne’s
The Aweb team has also
reported that they have started
work on porting the KHTML
engine to AmigaOS so it can be
used in a future Aweb release.
KHTML is the HTML rendering
engine developed for the Linux
KDE Konquerer browser and is
also used by Apple in Safari. The
plan is to have two versions of
Aweb, “Lite” that retains the
existing HTML engine and is
suitable for slower Amiga
systems and the full release,
based on KHTML, which is likely
to require more resources to run.
It currently seems that the port is
in the planning and research
stages but tasks to work on each
Prolific Polish hardware
manufacturer Elbox have
released a third revision of their
FastATA 1200 enhanced IDE
controller for the Amiga 1200
(popularly known as the Power
Flyer in the UK).
Like its predecessors, the
FastATA 1200 III connects to the
A1200 via the Kickstart ROM
sockets and the Gayle chip
and can be fitted to a
standard desktop system
or in a tower. It offers two
IDE channels that can
operate at up to PIO
(Polled IO) mode 5, which
has a maximum transfer rate
of 16.6Mb per second. The
controller is supplied with Elbox’s
FastATA ‘99 software that
supports hard drives, ZIPs,
LS120s and optical drives such
as CD and DVD writers.
AllegroCDFS, Elbox’s fast CD
and DVD filesystem is also
This new version of the FastATA
adds support for 48bit Logical
Block Addressing enabling it to
work with drives of up to 2Tb (2
terrabytes, 2048Gb) capacity. It
also offers improved
performance and lower
processor load during transfers.
Visit the Elbox web site for more
details of the FastATA 1200 III
including listings of compatible
accelerator cards. You can
purchase it directly from the
Elbox on-line shop for E84.95
(about £60) plus postage:
Power Computing are Elbox’s
UK distributor, but at the time of
writing they do not list this new
revision, this may well have
changed by the time you read
Telephone: (01234) 851500
& OS 4
Dietmar Eilert has been hard
at work updating his powerful
text editor suite, GoldEd
Studio AIX and its simplified
(and more affordable) cousin,
microGoldEd. Service pack
21 and later (23 is current at
the time of writing) have
removed some
incompatibilities with
AmigaOS 4 and Dietmar
supplies some specific
instructions to avoid
installation problems if you
have an older CD.
On MorphOS, support for the
gcc 2.95.4-3 C compiler has
been integrated and this is
accompanied by a MorphOS
native syntax parser which
should speed up rendering
long source code texts.
For most mGED and AIX
owners, these updates are
free and can be downloaded
from the GoldEd website after
entering a valid serial number.
Owners of CDs prior to
service pack 14 will need to
order a new CD (for a
handling charge) because the
combined updates have
become too large for on-line
http://projects.dietmar- »
Go East!
of its modules have been added
to the “Work Overview” section
of the web site.
To download the OS 4 release
and to find out more about the
KHTML development visit:
To celebrate the Amiga’s 20th
anniversary in 2005, Mr.
Hardware Computers are
organising the first Amiga
show on America’s East coast
for many years. AmigaEast
2005 will be held on May the
28th and 29th at the Marriott
Courtyard hotel, LaGuardia,
just across from LaGuardia
Airport in New York City.
The latest Amiga hardware
and software will be
demonstrated at the show.
Exhibitors and retailers
including major vendors and
shareware developers will be
in attendance on both days.
AmigaEast will also feature
free seminars and product
demos from guest speakers
including industry veterans
and experts in Amiga and
Tickets for the show cost $20
for one day or $25 for both
days. There will be a banquet
on the Saturday night and
tickets for this are priced at
$38 per head. For further
details and to order tickets
on-line visit:
http://www.mrhardware »
Join the Wireless World
Aggregation’s What you Need
Soft3 Development have
announced a new RSS news
feed reader for Amiga OS 4, it is
expected to be released into
private beta test by the time you
read this and should be available
publicly by the end of the year.
So what is RSS?
News can be retrieved directly
from feeds in on-line mode and
is also saved to disk so it can be
reviewed off-line. OpenURL is
used to enable links in RSS new
articles to be displayed in any
web browser.
Xnet-RSS requires AmigaOS 4
and will be freeware, for further
details and more screenshots
These days it is rare for a new
Amiga retailer to enter the
market so we were happy to
hear of, a new
company offering a range of
general and Amiga specific
products via their website.
Products include accelerators,
memory, hard disks and cables.
One of’s most
interesting products is an
802.11b compatible wireless
PCMCIA network card for the
A1200 and A600. 802.11 is the
standard used by most wireless
networks and although faster
“11g” hardware is now available
it is backwards compatible with
“11b” cards like this one. This
card is supplied with Neil
Cafferkey’s freeware
prism2.device driver, a CD of
networking software and
illustrated instructions to help
you get it working with the Miami
and Genesis TCP/IP stacks.
Amigakit have written some
custom front-end software called
EasyNet that enables you to
control your connection from a
comfortable GUI; it includes
features to configure the wireless
card and set-up encryption that
would otherwise require editing a
text configuration file. The
wireless card kit costs £34.99
plus postage and packaging.
Really Simple Syndication is a
protocol originally designed to
enable web sites to share their
news headlines with other sites.
You may have seen it in action
when one site has a “headlines
from” box which is updated
independently of the rest of the
page. As sites added RSS feeds,
utilities have been developed on
other platforms that collect news
from these feeds and display it in
a desktop application. The
utilities, often called news
aggregators, enable you to
monitor many news sites without
surfing between multiple sites.
Along with each headline the
RSS feed also supplies a brief
description of the article and a
link to the full text on the web
site, it is also possible to embed
pictures and other information.
XNet-RSS is likely to be the first
publicly available RSS reader for
the Amiga. The software
features a Reaction GUI and
supports the RSS 2.0 standard.
The NETPCM010 wireless card is compatible with the A1200
and A600 and works with standard 802.11 wireless networks.
Also available is a wired
PCMCIA network card for the
A1200 and A600, this is supplied
with the cnet.device driver and
the suite of software mentioned
above. Although the wireless
settings part of the EasyNet GUI
is obviously not needed with this
card, you can still use it to
control the wired connection and
easily make some basic settings
such as your Amiga’s name and
IP address. This kit is £24.99
plus p&p.
Although mostly concentrating
on hardware, have
recently been made an official
distributor for Cloanto’s Amiga
Forever 6 emulator package.
The CD edition, complete with
KX/Light CD boot facility and
additional multimedia content (as
reviewed in this issue) costs
£37.95 plus p&p.
Take a look at the
advert on page 51 to get 10% off
selected products, exclusively for
Total Amiga readers! For more
information or to place an order,
Web Byte...
Just enough room this month to
mention this fantastic site which
chronicles the many and varied
items of Amiga hardware from
complete machines through to
a battery backed clock. Each
entry has plenty of info. and
many have high quality photos
too. The “Big Book” is regularly
updated and essential to any
Amiga enthusiast!
Setting up your wireless card to access an WEP encrypted
network is easy thanks to Amigakit’s EasyNet interface.
Winter 2004
AmiWest Show Report
Chiles was the place that we
chose. The conversation
bounced around as we ate, it
settled for awhile on the
upcoming talk of Garry Hare.
Then from within the group the
thought... let’s make up a
business card, yes one saying
that we are now the new CEO of Ah, the plans that are
made at a business lunch. We
returned to the show and got
busy with the plan of making a
business card for anyone who
wanted one (except Garry of
course). The name was left
blank, so people could print in
their names. As I was doing the
layout of the card, in walks Garry
Hare. Hmmm, quick, flip
screens. With the help of the
lunch group, getting the original
card and then the Boing picture,
the card came together before
the start of the dinner. Garry had
left by now and it was
announced what the plan was for
the business card. Everyone
could have a card, put their
names on the card and at dinner
hand the card to Garry. The
cards were handed out to all that
wanted one.
The buffet banquet was well
done, thanks to all those who
helped in making it happen. We
were getting closer to the time of
Garry’s speech and
announcements. Again I will not
give the speech here. I will say
that Garry presented himself
well. There was a sense that
yes, Garry is a businessman.
The Question and Answer period
was good. Garry did not seem to
be in hurry. Then after the Q&A,
a group walked up to Garry’s
table. There was still some
questions being asked. At a
break of questions, I said
something like, Garry, now that
you will be hiring people for
development, I would like to give
you my card. There was a pause
as Garry looked at it. He looked
back at me like what? Argh, I
had pulled out my dinner ticket
and gave that to him. Time to re-
group, I said oh, wrong card. I
want to give you my business
card. Then I handed him the
correct card. Now, he looked at it
and then came the smile, as the
smile grew, more cards were
being handed to him from the
group. I am glad to report that
Garry Hare does have a good
sense of humor. As I thought
about the setting it struck me
that we were with the CEO of
KMOS having dinner. I found
that quite interesting, “if” plans
move on and KMOS is able to
bring to pass their plans will we
look back and say, I was there, I
sat there with Garry Hare, we
talked and laughed together? I
do not know how this will unfold.
For me, knowing what the show
was, it was good to be there.
May there be more shows and
better times ahead. I was not
able to attend the show on
Sunday, so my report will end
here. If you are interesting in
knowing more please look on the
Internet, I am sure you will find a
site where you that your can
read or listen to the show talks
and interviews.
AmiWest 2004 was the show when KMOS met the Amiga community and Warren Katchmar was there...
B ack in the early part of this
needed. I was doing some final
touches for my Hollywood
presentations. I had taken some
photos of my computer and I
wanted them in my
presentations. Okay, I needed to
get them from my camera to my
hard drive. Hmmm... I did not
have USB on my Amiga One to
connect my camera. I looked
around and saw that the
MorphOS guys had their system
up and running. I walked over
and we chatted about their
machines. I then asked if they
would download my pictures to a
CD. They were more than willing
to help. Great, I was then able to
include my pictures of my A1 into
my Hollywood presentations.
BTW, Hollywood is a great
program. If you need to do a
presentation, then take a look at
using Hollywood. By the time I
had finished cleaning up my
presentations it was time to close
the show room floor.
The day of the show was here. It
was a good feeling for me to be
at the show. The last AmiWest
show that I attended was in
2000. At that show was Amiga
Inc. If you have followed the
Amiga during the last five years
or so, then you know that a lot
has happened since then. I
remember the last time that I
was here and how it felt better
for me this time. I am not sure
why? Maybe it is because I feel
that this is the part of the core
goup that is now left. In my way
of thinking I do not feel that the
Amiga scene will become
worse? Okay, enough, I just want
to say that for me there seemed
to be a more relaxed feeling with
this show compared to the one in
Last minute things were being
taken care of as we got ready to
open the show on Saturday.
There was not a massive turn
out for the show, but that was to
be expected. As I thought about
the turn out, yes the number was
not great, but the distance
travelled by those that where
there was amazing! From
Belgium, New York state, North
Carolina, Washington state,
Texas, and yes even some from
California. I am sorry if I missed
any other places.
Ben Hermans was walking
around, so I took the time to
introduce myself. You may guess
what the topic became? No, not
OS 4, but being a lawyer and
comparing the laws here to those
in Belgium.
Those people that I saw seemed
to have an good time. They
made their way around the show
room floor checking out the
setups. There was a gathering
around Mr. Hardware. The news
that Sbase4Pro is being worked
on for a OS 4 port was really
great news. A OS 4 port would
be a big plus. There was also the
prototype Catweasel MK4 card, it
looks great and offers a lot. The
planned release date is for this
coming October. Next to Mr.
Hardware there was the UGN
group with Bill “tekmage” Borsari.
Bill was a very busy person
taking care of all the interviews.
You can hear those interviews on
a couple of different web sites. I
will not go into what was said
during the interviews as you may
listen to them for yourself.
The other displays were from the
host of the show, SACC. There
was a bit of a hardware and
software for sale on their table.
There was a display of two
Pegasos machines. MorphOS
was looking really good, felt solid
and was quite responsive.
Houston Amiga users group
were showing Amiga Forever 6,
it also felt good. Plus there were
a couple more Amiga Ones with
Amiga OS 4 on them. So there
were several choices for users to
look at and try.
year, when I learnt that
there would be an AmiWest
show, I made plans to attend and
now the show has come and
gone. I am glad that I experinced
the show, it was good to be with
other Amiga users.
Yes there was the news of Amiga
Inc. being acquired by KMOS
and other news that one can
read from various places on the
Internet. So, I will not go into the
all the details of the news.
I arrived on the Friday in time for
the show and went to the Clarion
hotel where I was greeted by
some members of SACC. I was
told that the hotel needed some
more time to get the show room
ready. We did some prep work,
such as unloading gear to the
room next to the show room.
Shortly after that we were
allowed to begin the setup.
During the setup time, I had a
good time introducing myself to
the others that were setting up
their gear. I met Richard
Drummond (Mr. Hardware /
UAE) and he told me that Russ
Norrby was coming in later. I
also met Bill Borsari (UGN) and
Jens Schoenfeld (Individual
Computers). From there I walked
around and met two guys setting
up their MorphOS machine. We
had a nice talk and I told them
that I would like to see their
machine running when they were
done. I also met other members
from the SACC group.
It seemed to me that most were
willing to give a hand wherever
Video toaster and other Zorro
cards at Creative Computers.
Computer Connection was
showing the Toaster-Tower/Flyer.
For whatever reason I did not
spend a lot of time there but they
did have an impressive set up.
Grasshopper LLC was being
represented by the SACC group
as Deron Kazmaier could not be
at the show. It was hoped that
there may have been an OS 4
version of PageStream for the
show. From what I know (yes
take it for what is worth) Deron
was hoping to have an A1
machine to work on the port, but
the machine did not show up in
time for him to have the OS 4
version ready for the show, but
knowing Deron, I feel that we will
see a port for OS 4 soon after
Deron gets his machine.
As for me I was running my
presentations and one of I
did get a lot of nice comments
about the presentation. I also ran
another presentation, it was
showing the apps that I had
installed and running on my A1.
Ben walked by while my
presentation of my apps was
showing. He came up and
started to ask me questions on
what I had done. We had a nice
talk and during that talk, I
remember him saying something
like, just think, this is as slow as
your machine will run, from now
on it will only get faster. I was
thinking to myself, bring it on! His
point made me feel good. Here I
was running my apps and I was
pretty happy that they were
running. Remembering that this
is “just” a pre-release. Yes, the
final version will be so much
better... Wow!
Getting hungry, a group got
together to find a place to eat.
AmiWest: Take 2 Paul Rezendes also went to
the show with his Pegasos
II, and here’s his take...
I ’ve been wanting to attend
The show was scheduled to start
Saturday at 10 AM so I arrived in
Sacramento in the late afternoon
the Friday before the show.
Steve found me in the parking lot
of the Clarion hotel and told me
we had a few hours to kill before
we could bring in the equipment
and set up. A few hours later we
were in the gallery room with
boxes unpacked and cables all
over. After a short time
everything was up and running
looking good as ever so we
cleaned up and called it a night.
The first day of the show went
well. Sadly not many visitors
were present. This gave me a
chance to walk the floor, get
some pictures and look at the
Amiga One systems on display,
all of which had the pre-release
of OS4 installed.
With more people starting to
come in for the show I moved
back over to my booth where I
was for the rest of the evening. I
got to give some great one on
ones with a few Amiga users that
haven’t had the chance to see
MorphOS in action. It gave me a
good feeling to see and hear the
good reactions and compliments
they had for it. Many had no idea
that it was as compatible and
Amiga like as it truly is. We were
able to show off the new
upcoming version of FroggerNG,
which is just fantastic. It has a
completely new GUI which can
be skinned. Also shown were the
Papyrus Office Beta, several
classic apps, some freeware
ports and the hardware itself.
At the end of the first day, even
though attendance was much
lower then expected, we made a
great first impression. Several
die hard Amiga users were sold
on the fact that MorphOS was a
valid alternative to the Amiga
experience and they could still
have that same long loved look
and feel of using the real thing.
We did our job well.
Day two of the show was much
the same as the first. The
vendors were showing off what
they had to offer and I didn’t get
to walk the floor as much as I did
Saturday. I had to leave early to
make the long drive home and
wanted to make sure the Genesi
booth got lots of coverage and
plenty of demos going. I did just
that, showed off a lot more of the
machines and even managed to
get a few users to the Pegasos
site and get all the info on
placing an order for a system.
Packing up and looking back, I
thanked everyone for having us.
I would have thought a show like
Amiwest would have had more
visitors. It didn’t. With two brand
new hardware solutions
available at last we should start
seeing more users coming back.
I look forward to next year and
hope I can attend again.
another Amiga related event
for several years but work has
always come in the way of me
making it to one. This year I
found I could go to Amiwest and
take a nice vacation at the same
time. Shortly after the show was
announced I asked Bill Buck of
Genesi if I could attend and
demo the Pegasos II and the
latest available release of
MorphOS (1.4.2), which he
gladly accepted.
This being my first show since
Commodore went out of
business I was excited and had
no idea what to expect. I was
even more excited being an
official part of the show with a
booth and a fully working product
to show, my personal Pegasos II
G4 system. I started planning
and decided I needed some
help. Steve Hodges, also a
fellow Pegasos II user, agreed to
give me a hand. His living in
Sacramento was a huge help.
He really got this together for us
and took care of all the
Over the next couple of months
Steve and I made some contacts
with various MorphOS
developers and collected some
fantastic software to show,
figured out how we would show
everything, and got to know each
other through email and IRC
conversations. Everything fell
right into place.
One of the A1s on display at the show, this one’s in a flash case.
Paul and Steve’s Pegasos machines ready to please the visitors.
Winter 2004
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