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©2004 Daniel Joseph Min
All rights are free
MinÓs Free Press
Continental Divide, CO
Mins Google-archived digital edition September 16, 2003.
First printed edition published by MFP on July 1, 2004.
Preface ................................ ii
Introduction ........................ iii
Ch 1 The Hand Of God ...... 1
Ch 2 Course Of Abijah ..... 15
Ch 3 Morning Star .......... 21
Ch 4 Evening Star ........... 33
Ch 5 Voice Of One .......... 49
Ch 6 Coming Of Age ........ 56
Ch 7 At One With God .... 57
Ch 8 Palm Saturday ........ 61
Ch 9 Good Wednesday ..... 81
Ch 10 Night And Day ...... 84
Ch 11 The Chronology .. 91
Several years ago I published my first two books. The first was entitled Book Of Daniel: Fact
or Fiction?, My second book is named Historical Calendar Of Jesus since the former work
establishes the genuine historicity of the prophet Daniel, and his autograph manuscript as pre-
sented in the Biblia Hebraica, Leningrad MS.B19A Kittel/stuttgartensia consonantal texts,
which are available as freeware in the normal (BHS) and morphological (BHM) format from
the online-bible website, which text comprises the predominantly Hebrew part of the Old
Testament and its few Aramaic portions (Gen.31:47a; Ezra 4:8-6:18; 7:12- 26; Jer.10:11; and
Daniel 2:4-7:28). Subsequent to my research of this codex to the sacred scriptures, Ive since
discovered that the editio Vulgata is the principal translation of the Judeo-Xian Bible, because
Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus, bka St. Jerome, was sufficiently adept in the classic astro-
logical and mythological basis of the scriptures as to bring both old and new testaments to life
to the degree that western thought can more easily relate herein the 21st century of the
Roman calendar. Also, because my first two books are so closely related, Ive integrated parts
of my 1st book into this new and expanded Historical Calendar Of Jesus, brought up to date
using Astrolog w/Swiss Ephemeris plus the knowledge that judicial astrology has awarded
the practitioner having mastered both kabalah & tarot, and having demonstrated note-for-note
what the music of the spheres actually is, and how it is calculated, and what its articulated
names are as they are transposed through the 84 Key Signatures of the Gods, the keys of life.
When I first wrote this book, I wasnt using my trademark PGP-signature and full, hy-
phenated justification as I have done faithfully since the summer of 2000 AD. I have however
employed hard line-breaks and Ive PGP-clearsigned every chapter in my new, expanded edi-
tion of The Historical Calendar of Jesus as posted online and thereby permanently archived on
the Google newsgroup server, which guarantees the autograph authenticity of every line of
every chapter of this original book except where otherwise explicitly noted by citations and/or
quoted text. It should also be noted that, although Ive updated this book using the latest JPL
DE-406/Sweph ephemeris software, all of the original editions calendar dates and correspond-
ing events remain intact. Only astronomical calculations are slightly more accurate, and these
chapters have been expanded and redacted as my ability permits.
Daniel Joseph Min
July 1, 2004
Each chapter of this book begins with a succinct paragraph-summary of itself, followed by
pages of scientific and historical research describing the chronologies examined in explicit de-
tail with verifiable citations. This provides the reader with a quick and easy way to skim thru
each chapter from the beginning, enticing the more astute and critical scientist to carefully
study the balance of each chapter as the facts warrant. The ancient Hebrew calendar is refer-
enced to our western calendars, and is charted at the end of chapters where a visual reference
to the dates analyzed is useful.
Know that the Seventy Weeks prophecy found at Daniel 9:24-27 is demonstrated histori-
cally accurate-to-the-day, i.e. 483 actual, real-time, Hebrew lunisolar calendar years after the
date that the priestly scribe Ezra had gone forward with Artaxerxes imperial edict to restore
and build Jerusalem. Lord Jesus quoted Daniel as being the prophet [ref. Mat 24:15; Mark
13:14], a fact which is cited as the *supreme* authority endorsing Daniels autograph as genu-
ine. Thus the balance of this work is presented as a matter of record, in the spirit of God.
While the secular crowd will oft-digress to frivolous innuendo (i.e. cavilism) in futile at-
tempts to discredit the Holy Bible and its message which is the gospel of Christ-crucified, such
inevitably has the antithetical effect of attracting much-appreciated scrutiny over the Hebrew
& Greek Canon, since the evidence weighs heavily in the gravity of its merit, and the wisdom
of the ages remains intact, fully intact.
The first edition of this book relied on planetary positions as calculated using the older
high-precision (untruncated) VSOP87 [Variations Seculaires des Orbites Planetaires] theory of
Bretagnon and Francou, with all lunar positions calculated using the revised (untruncated)
ELP-2000/82 lunar theory of Chapront-Touze and J. Chapront [Bureau des Longitudes].
This new and expanded edition uses Astrolog 5.41G with Swiss Ephemeris (JPL-DE200/
405/406) for all astronomical calculations. At this writing, September 2003, this is the most
reliable and accurate astronomical and astrological computer software available for any PC
running Windows, and accounts for dynamical time, ecliptic obliquity, nutation, precession,
aberration, and more complex calculations made using high-precision algorithms and coeffi-
cient tables rendering the significant figures indicated, yielding accuracy for geocentric posi-
tions comfortably within ± several arcseconds for all dates calculated, albeit the Moons
position is especially difficult to compute, and is probably accurate to no better than just a few
arcminutes, which is still way more than adequate for the purposes of this historically un-
precedented work.
Historical Calendar Of Jesus
Geographical location datum preset to Jerusalem, Israel 31N46:48 x 35E13:12 for all as-
tronomical calculations presented, with local times given in both UT and Jerusalem Standard
Time [JST/EET @ UT +2:00] for convenience and continuity, noting that local mean time is
approximately 20 minutes ahead of EET, or UT +2:20, which is used only rarely in this book,
and only where LMT is clearly indicated, as with both Jesus and Johns natal charts which
are presented in chapters 2 and 3, respectively. LAT or Local Angle Time is sundial-time, and
is used only where so-noted. In every instance, times & dates given are explicitly referenced.
Remember that each day in the lunisolar calendar begins at sundown the day before, and
ends at sundown that same day; e.g., the Julian calendar date Thursday, September 19, 457
BC is counted as the Hebrew/Jewish calendar date of 1 Ethanim/Tishri 3305, but the ancient
Hebrew calendar reckons that old Julian [Roman] calendar Thursday as beginning at sundown
on the previous day, which is Wednesday evening in the proleptic Julian calendar. This sun-
down-to-sundown convention of the scriptures is found beginning in the Torah [Law of
Moses], in the Book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 5: And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. With the eve-
ning counted from sundown to sunrise and the morning counted from sunrise to sunset, so
the Hebrew calendar is always about six hours ahead of the Roman calendar in terms of what
day of the week it is, a fact which proves invaluable for positively identifying historical calen-
dar dates only alluded to or implied in the Bible, notably which lunisolar calendar dates were
established by strictly-observed Torah calendar rules, which the reader will find is absolutely,
meticulously, observed throughout this book.
Notably the Mayan calendar, which is the most accurate long-term astronomical calendar
in existence, predicted the conjunction of our winter solstice Sun with the Mayan Sacred Tree,
or the apparent intercept of the galactic and ecliptic planes at 5 degrees Sagittarius, which
great tropical-sidereal conjunction ends the fifth and last age of the Sun for this seventh grand
precessional year of the Mayan calendar, and furthermore completes a sabbath of great preces-
sional years or 7. millenary profoundly deduced as Nostradamus so exactly describes it in
his prophetic epistle toward the ill-fated king Henry II of France. This date is most precisely
calculated as Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD at 11:11:23 UT, with the seven previous Na-
talii Solis Invicti, or Births of the Sun-Invincible, summarized for the readers edification on
the following page:
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