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R. A. Boulay ©1990
Editorial Comments By Roberto Solàrion ©1997
The literature and mythology of ancient cultures is filled with accounts of dragons, flying
serpents, and other winged lizards. Who, then, were these flying, fire-breathing creatures that
seem to have coexisted with early Man, sometimes as his benefactor but many more times as
his tormentor?
Perhaps they were just fabulous creatures, the product of Man's fertile imagination. On the
other hand, it is possible they were the manifestation of something else - of traumatic events
so disturbing and deeply rooted in his past, that knowledge of their true nature has been
subconsciously suppressed and remembered only in allegorical terms.
Quite a few civilisations of this world trace their ancestry to such dragon-like lizards or flying
serpents. In most cases, they are credited with bringing the benefits of civilisation to
Mankind. And quite often they are described as his actual creator.
Ancient man portrayed these creatures as superior beings or gods, who could effortlessly
move about the skies in their "fiery chariots" or "boats of heaven". They usually lived in a
"heavenly abode" and often descended to interfere in the affairs of Man.
The earliest and the most important of cultures, that of Mesopotamia, was probably founded
by these serpent-like gods. The colonisation of this planet by these creatures is described in
one of the most dramatic and significant of ancient documents. It is the so-called Sumerian
Dated to the Third Millennium BC, this document provides the succession of the Kings of
Sumer and their successors, the length of their reigns since, what was to the Sumerians, the
beginning of time when their ancestors came here and "descended" to Earth to establish a
number of cities on the alluvial plain of Mesopotamia. Calling themselves Anunnaki, these
Proto-Sumerians are credited with the establishment of Western, if not World, civilisation.
Surprisingly enough, there is considerable data on these early civilisations - the Sumerian,
later to be replaced by the Akkadian and the Babylonian cultures. From the numerous
cuneiform tablets, monuments, and artefacts that have been unearthed in recent times, it is
possible to reconstruct the events, which transpired in the early days of Mankind.
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There is also a mass of evidence, which was originally derived from the same source, but was
given a religious interpretation by being transmitted through priestly channels. It was from
this vast reservoir of ancient sources that the stories of the Old Testament were derived.
From a combination of these ancient secular and religious sources, it is thus possible to piece
together the story of our ancestry, which lies in the coming of the alien serpent-gods or
astronauts who colonised Earth many eons ago.
It will be found that our ancestors started a colony on Earth in order to obtain metals for their
homeplanet. In order to process and transport these metals by air freighter to the orbiting
mother ship, they built five operational cities in Mesopotamia. One of these served as a space
launch platform.
The Sumerian people referred to these "gods" as Anunnaki, literally the sons of An, their
chief god and leader. The Anunnaki were an alien race. In reality they were a race of sapient
reptiles. They required a cheap labour force and for this reason they created a primitive man.
By combining the characteristics of the native ape-man or Neanderthal type man, with their
own saurian nature, they produced the "Adam" of the Old Testament. This Adam was half-
human and half-reptile, however, and being a clone could not reproduce himself.
As conditions began to change on Earth and the climate dried out, it became necessary for
them to modify the Adam to better adapt it to the variable climate. The Homo Saurus was
modified and given more mammalian traits. This was the Biblical "Fall of Man" where Adam
achieved "knowing" or the ability to reproduce sexually.
As a result of this genetic modification, Man lost most of his saurian appearance and nature,
his shiny, luminous skin and scaly hide. He acquired mammalian characteristics - a soft
flexible skin, body hair, the need to sweat, and the ability to produce live young. He no longer
ran around naked. He now had to wear clothing for comfort and protection. For all purposes,
Man was now a Homo Sapiens. Modern man or Cro-Magnon Man had arrived upon the
Man soon populated the Earth as slaves for these saurian masters. The astronauts who
descended to Earth sorely tested him and mated with the daughters of Man. Known in the
Scriptures as the Nefilim, they not only produced mixed offspring, but also conducted genetic
experiments, which went awry and produced many monstrous forms.
This was a trying period for Mankind, for in this era he was literally food for the gods. It is
the time of the Biblical Patriarchs and the Sumerian god kings.
The turmoil on Earth was abruptly ended by the onset of a natural worldwide catastrophe,
known as the Deluge or Great Flood. At this time, the gods retreated to their space ship,
leaving behind their semi-divine offspring to perish with Mankind in the world flood.
After the waters had subsided they descended once more to establish new cities on the plains
of Mesopotamia. Again mating with Mankind, they produced a race of semi-divine beings to
rule their empire on Earth. In addition, a race of warrior-gods was established in the lands of
the Levant. Descendants of the Nefilim, but known by the name of Rephaim, this barbaric
race plagued humanity for thousands of years and were eliminated as a threat until the First
Millennium BC.
In ancient Mesopotamia, the gods resided in a temple atop a ziggurat, a stepped pyramid
raised above the plains, and were shielded from the general public and accessible only to a
few trusted priests. Here they ate in privacy, surrounded by curtains, so that even the
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attending priests could not see them dine. One wonders if their table manners were so
atrocious that they had to be hidden even from their retainers. Or was it something more
In the Old Testament, the overriding need for privacy is also true. During the event known as
the Exodus, the deity lived in a tent and was never seen, nor did he dine in public. Specific
instructions were given to Moses on how to prepare the food, which was left on a grill near
the quarters of the deity for him to snack on in privacy.
It was forbidden for humans to see him. Moses was told flatly by his God that "you cannot
see my face, for man may not see me and live". And this prohibition against being seen by
humans is carried to an extreme throughout the Scriptures. It became an injunction of not to
make "a graven image" or a likeness of the deity.
Thus Man is not only banned from seeing what his god looked like but even to make an
image of what he thought he looked like. Why the taboo? Could it be that its appearance
would be so foreign and repulsive that it had to be withheld from man? One would logically
assume that if the deities were so superior and grand as the Scriptures indicate that they would
be flattered and pleased to allow man to see and copy their magnificence!
Only a privileged few were allowed to even approach the deities. In Mesopotamia they were
the demi-gods, the offspring of the mating of a god or goddess and a human. These formed
the aristocracy, and were entrusted by the gods to see to their needs and to form a barrier with
Mankind. Even these demi-gods or "changelings," as they were called, were somewhat
strange in appearance and probably had certain reptilian characteristics. The fabled
Gilgamesh, for example, had something odd in his appearance that made him stand out from
normal men. The Biblical Patriarchs also had something unusual about their looks as is shown
by the irrational behaviour of Noah when he was seen naked by his sons.
According to the ancient Babylonian tradition, as reported by Berossus, the Babylonian priest
writing in Athens in The Third Century BC, Man's ancestry and origin can be traced to one
Oannes, an amphibious creature that came out of the Persian Gulf to teach the arts of
civilisation to Man.
Berossus called them "annedoti", which translates as "the repulsive ones" in Greek. He also
refers to them as "musarus" meaning "an abomination". In this way, Babylonian tradition
credits the founding of civilisation to a creature, which they considered to be a repulsive
If the tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would have been to glorify these
creatures as splendid gods or heroes. Yet the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors
this way argues for the authenticity of the account.
The reptilian appearance of the Biblical gods was a well-kept secret and only occasionally is
it perceptible in the Old Testament, as for example, the obvious worship of the "seraph" or
"brazen serpent" in the incident during the Exodus. There are many more references, many of
them explicit, in the mass of religious literature, which forms the basis for the books of the
Old Testament.
The view is now accepted that the Old Testament went through considerable editing and
selection by the priestly transcribers. But elsewhere in the religious literature, not subject to
their heavy hand, there is found a different picture.
In the Haggadah, the source of Jewish legend and oral tradition, it is revealed that Adam and
Eve lost their "lustrous and horny hide" as the result of eating the forbidden fruit.
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The Gnostics, rivals to the early Christians, relate that as a result of eating the fruit, Adam and
Eve achieved knowledge, part of which was to realise that their creators were "beastly forms".
The sad fact is that we have created God in our image and not the other way around. In this
way, we have hidden the true identity of our creators.
Most of the world mythologies and religions refer to their ancestors as flying serpents or
dragons who brought the arts and crafts of civilisation to Mankind. The oldest of Chinese
books, the mysterious "Yih King," claims that the ancient goddess Nu Kua, who was a
dragon, formed the first humans [Comment: compare linguistically to Ninkhursag.] . The early
Chinese emperors claimed to be descendants of this dragon goddess.
The oldest and most famous of the Hindu classics, the "Ramayana" and the "Mahabharata,"
concern the intercourse of early man with the serpent-gods who were also his ancestors.
Central American and African mythology relate how flying serpents and dragon-like beings
descended from the heavens to teach them the basics of civilisation.
The dragons and flying serpents that so permeate ancient mythology were actually large-
legged lizards, who also had the ability to travel about in their airborne craft. How else could
the ancients illustrate this fact except by providing them with wings?
Even the Old Testament implies that the serpent of the Garden of Eden was a lizard or reptile
for, if he had lost his hands and feet as a result of the Fall of Man, then logically he must
previously been a legged snake or reptile.
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Chapter 1
"The reptiles verily descend. The earth is resplendent as a well-watered garden. At that time
Enki and Eridu had not appeared. Daylight did not shine, moonlight had not emerged".
Fragment from the oldest known Sumerian Tablet
One of the most remarkable and valuable historic documents is the so-called King List, which
records the names of the Kings of Sumer and the lengths of their reigns from what was to
them, the beginning of history - a time in the distant past when "kingship descended from
heaven" and founded five cities in the Mesopotamian plain.
It records an interruption when "the Flood swept over the land," an event, which we know as
the Deluge or Great Flood. The King List then resumes the narrative as "kingship descended"
once more. It describes the kings and their reigns down to part of the Isin Dynasty, which
began to rule about 1950 BC.
The King List attributes reigns of legendary and incredible lengths to many of the rulers of
the earlier antediluvian kings. In this sense, it affirms the enormous lifespan of the Patriarchs
of the Old Testament. While these extremely long reigns and lifespan cannot be explained
there is a consistency among the secular and religious sources that indicate they had a logic of
their own, which has yet to be perceived by current scholarship.
The King List has received mixed reviews among scholars, but since its records of the Fourth
and Third Millennia BC have been corroborated separately by archaeological evidence, it has
been accepted by many as a valuable historical document.
In his work "The Sumerians" Professor Samuel Noah Kramer, the dean of Sumerian studies,
endorses its value as a research tool. He has suggested that the King List "if used with
discrimination and understanding, provides us with a historical framework of inestimable
Our story does not begin with the creation of the world. It starts with the arrival of intelligent
life on Earth - the people we know historically as the Proto-Sumerians. It is not known
exactly when these ancestors of ours came here or why. It is surmised that they arrived here
quite some time before the worldwide catastrophe called the Deluge. It was also long before
the advent of modern man or Homo Sapiens.
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