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Ars Almadel
Ars Almadel
Part IV
of the
Ars Almadel -- Part IV of the Lemegeton
Transcribed from Sloane MS. 2731 and converted to Acrobat by Benjamin Rowe, July
1999. Afterword copyright 1999 by Benjamin Rowe.
Typeset in Adobe Caslon
Here Beginneth the The Fourth Part of this Book
Which is called the Art Almadel of Solomon
, and in the middle of it a triangle, wherein
must be written these names of God HELL, HELION, ADONAIJ, and this last
have round about the six-angled figure, as here it is made for an example.
And of the same wax there must be made four candles. And they must be of the
same colour as the Almadel is of. Divide your wax into three parts: one to make the
Almadel of, and the other two parts to make the candles of. And let there come forth
from every one of them a foot made of the same wax to support the Almadel.
This being done, in the next place you are to make a seal of pure gold or silver
(but gold is best) whereon must be engraved those three names HELION, HELLU-
And note that the First Altitude is called Chora Orientis, or the East Altitude.
And to make an experiment in this Chora it is to be done in the day and hour of the
Sun. And the power and office of those angels is to make all things fruitful, and
increase both animals and vegetables in creation and generation, advancing the birth
of children, and making barren women fruitful.
And their names are these, viz: ALIMIEL, GABRIEL, BARACHIEL,
And note you must not pray for any angel but those that belong to the Altitude
you have a desire to call forth.
And when you operate set the four candles upon four candlesticks, but be care-
ful you do not light them before you begin to operate.
1. A long dash is in the original at this point. Inserting the word “one” would seem appro-
priate, as there is otherwise no reason to distinguish these 12 parts.
By this art Solomon attained great wisdom from the Chief Angels that govern the
four Altitudes of the World: for you must observe that there are four Altitudes which
represent the four Corners of the West, East, North and South: the which is divided
into 12 parts; that is, every part 3. And the Angels of every one 1 of these parts hath
their particular virtues and powers, as shall be showed in the following matter & c.
Make this Almadel of pure white wax; but the others must be coloured suitable
to the Altitude. It is to be 4 inches square, and 6 inches over every way, and in every
corner a hole, and write betwixt every hole with a new pen those words and names of
God following. But this is to be done in the day and hour of Sol. Write upon the first
part towards the East, ADONAIJ, HELOMI, PINE. And upon the second towards
the South part HELION, HELOI, HELI. And upon the West part JOD, HOD,
AGLA. And upon the Fourth part which is North write TETRAGRAMMATON,
And betwixt the first and the other parts make the pentacle of Solomon thus:
r , and betwixt the first quarter write this word ANABONA, and in the middle of
the Almadel make a Sexangle figure
Tetragrammaton Shadai Jah
Then lay the Almadel between the four candles upon a waxen foot that comes
from the candles, and lay the golden seal upon the Almadel, and having the invoca-
tion ready written upon virgin parchment, light the candles and read the invocation.
And when he appeareth he appeareth in the form of an Angel carrying in his
hand a banner or flag having the picture of a white cross 1 upon it, his body being
wrapped round with a fair cloud, and his face very fair and bright, and a crown of
rose flowers upon his head.
He ascends first upon the superscription on the Almadel, as it were a mist or
Then must the exorcist have ready a vessel of earth of the same colour as the
Almadel is of, and the other of his furniture, it being in the form of a basin, and put
thereinto a few hot ashes or coals, but not too much lest it should melt the wax of the
Almadel. And put therein three little grains of mastick in powder so that it may fume
and the smell go upwards through the holes of the Almadel when it is under it.
And as soon as the Angel smelleth it he beginneth to speak with a low voice,
asking what your desire is, and what you have called the princes and governors of this
Altitude for.
Then you must answer him, saying: I desire that all my requests may be granted
and what I pray for may be accomplished: for your office maketh it appear and declareth
1. An equal-armed cross is drawn in the manuscript, following the word “cross”.
Helion Heloi Heli
that such is to be fulfilled by you, if it please God, adding further the particulars of your
request, praying with humility for what is lawful and just: and that thou shall obtain
from him.
But if he do not appear presently, then you must obtain the golden seal, and
make with it three or four marks upon the candles, by which means the Angel will
presently appear as aforesaid. And when the Angel departeth he will fill the whole
place with a sweet and pleasant smell, which will be smelled for a long time.
And note the golden seal will serve and is used in all the operations of all four
The colour of the Altitude belonging to the first Altitude, or Chora, is lily-
white; the second Chora a perfect red rose colour; the third Chora is to be a green
mixed with a white silver colour; the fourth Chora is to be black mixt with a little
green or a sad colour.
Of the Second Chora or Altitude
Note that the other three Altitudes, with their Signs and Princes can exert power
over goods and riches, and can make any man rich or poor. And as the first Chora
gives increase and maketh fruitful, so these give decrease and barrenness. And if any
have a desire to operate in any of these three following Choras or Altitudes, they
must do it in die Solis in the manner above showed.
But do not pray for anything that is against God and His laws, but what God
giveth according to the custom or course of nature: that you may desire and obtain.
All the furniture to be used is to be of the same colour the Almadel is of.
And the princes of the second Chora are named, viz: APHIRIZA, GENON,
GERON, ARMON, GEREIMON. And when you operate kneel before the
Almadel, with clothes of the same colour, in a closet hung with the same colours also;
for the holy apparition will be of the same colours.
And when he appeareth, put an earthen vessel under the Almadel, with fire or
hot ashes and three grains of mastick to perfume as aforesaid.
And when the Angel smelleth it he turneth his face towards you, asking the
exorcist with a low voice why he hath called the princes of this Chora or Altitude.
Then you must answer as before: I desire that my requests may be granted, and the
contents thereof may be accomplished: for your office maketh it appear and declareth that
such is to be done by you, if it please God .
And you must not be fearful, but speak humbly, saying: I recommend myself
wholly to your office, and I pray unto you, Prince of this Altitude, that I may enjoy and
obtain all things according to my wishes and desires . And you may further express your
mind in all particulars in your prayer, and do the like in the two other Choras follow-
The Angel of the second Altitude appeareth in the form of a young child with
clothes of a satin, and of a red rose colour, having a crown of red gilly flowers upon
his head. His face looketh upwards to heaven and is of a red colour, and is compassed
round about with a bright splendour as the beams of the sun.
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