Humar_Atlas of Organ Transplantation(1).pdf

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Atlas of Organ Transplantation
Abhinav Humar, Arthur J. Matas and
William D. Payne
Atlas of Organ
With 438 Figures
Abhinav Humar, MD,
Arthur J. Matas, MD,
William D. Payne, MD,
Department of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Division of
Division of
Division of
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Cover photograph by author.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Atlas of organ transplantation
1. Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. – Atlases
I. Humar, Abhinav II. Matas, Arthur J. III. Payne, William D.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005938494
ISBN-10: 1-84628-314-0
e-ISBN 1-84628-316-7
Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-314-7
© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006
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Printed in the United States of America
Springer Science
Business Media
ISBN-13: 9781846283147
ISBN-10: 1846283140
The field of organ transplantation has undergone remarkable changes in the last decade.
The growing numbers of agents available for immunosuppression have played a
significant role in the advancement of this field. However, just as important has been the
development of surgical innovations in the field. This includes not only the development
of new surgical procedures, but also modifications of the existing ones. This has involved
all areas of organ transplantation including deceased-donor procurement techniques,
living-donor transplantation, and transplantation of the individual organs including
kidney, liver, pancreas, and intestine. Examples include procurement from non–heart-
beating donors; living-donor transplants involving the liver, pancreas, or intestine;
laparoscopic donor nephrectomy; split-liver transplants; and multivisceral transplants.
All of these represent new, innovative procedures that are being performed on a regular
basis only in the last few years. Given these recent dramatic changes in the surgical face
of transplantation, we felt it was time for a surgical atlas of transplantation that high-
lighted these recent developments.
The aim of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive, pictorial step-by-
step account of abdominal organ transplant procedures performed by contemporary
transplant surgeons. Emphasis has been placed on newer procedures or procedures that
have undergone significant modifications. It is recognized that there are many well-
accepted techniques for the same procedure, with each having potential merit. While it
is impossible to present all of these variations, an attempt has been made to describe the
common variations in surgical technique.
Innovations in imaging have allowed us to organize this atlas in a format that pro-
vides the reader with the most clear and realistic view of the operative procedures.
Schematic diagrams are included to complement high-quality intraoperative photo-
graphs, allowing readers to clearly visualize the course of the operative procedure. A
unique feature of this atlas is a digital video file of the major operative procedures, which
provides the reader with the closest possible experience to being present in the operat-
ing suite. It is hoped that this format will provide the reader with a clear visual and
written description of all major abdominal transplant procedures performed by the
modern transplant surgeon.
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