Call of Cthulhu - The Bermuda Triangle.pdf

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Secrets of the Devil's Triangle
additional material
front cover design and layout
Interior illustrations
editorial and layout
back cover layout
Chaosium, InC.
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Foreword . •• •.. •••• .• • •. ••••• .• •• • • .111
Caribbean Campaigns .. ..... ••. .. . ...63
Inv estigators
Criminal Minds
Offsho~ Banking
Ancient Traditions
Treasure Huntin g
Underwater Explorations
Journey to Paradise •••..•••.••••..•••. 1
Traveling to the Caribbean
The Turquoise Sea ............••• • ..... 4
Weather and Climate
The Reefs
The Depths
Ships ofthe Caribbean
Scenario : The Privateer'. Diary •••.. ••• .15
Th e Diary
New Providence
Search for the Island
Th e Turks &. Caicos Islands
French Cay
The Treaure Hoard
The Sea Ghouls
The Island Paradises . . .. ... .. .. .. ...•. 11
Island Flora and Fauna
The Bahamas
Turks &. Caicos Islands
Cayman Islands
Jamai ca
Puerto Rico
The Lesser Antilles
Appendix A •• . ••• . ••• . ••• .. •• . •••• .• 81
Caribbean Animal Life
Appendix B .• • .. ••.•••• . .•• . •.. . ....84
A Triangle Chronclogy
The Devll's Triangle ••••••..•••.•••• . ••44
Origins ofthe Triangle
Strange PhenometUl
Accounts ofSurvivors ofthe Triangle
Explanations for the Triangle
Indian Burial Mounds
Using the Triangle
Bibliography . ..... ... ..... . . . .......88
Index •.••..•••.••• • •••..••..• • ..•••89
The Bermuda Triangle is published by Chaoslum, Inc.
The Bermuda Triangle is 01996 by Justin Schmkt. Interior illustrations are 0 1998 by Thomas Brown and Earl Geier. Maps are
0 1998 by Chaoslum , Inc. Cover Inustration Is 0 1998 by Eric Vogt. AU righls reserved .
PIayIeslers: captain Karen "What just happened?" Etheridge, FIrst Mate Eric "The Hook" Jones, Quartermaster Oavid "Spooky"
Schaub, Chiel NBvi\}8tor Jeremy "' think we're lost" Denton, Doctor Mike ' Oops' Jones, Bosun Valerie "Voodoo" Bjorn.
Special thanks to Marsha Myell 01 PoInt of Departure In Ber1«tley. California for help In compiling trawllnlormatlon.
CsJI of CthulhtAb is the registered lracleman.: of Chaosium, Inc.
SimHiarities between characters in The Bermuda Triangle and persons living or dead are strictly coIncideotaJ.
The reproduction of material from within this book lor the purpose 01 personal or corporate profit, by photographIC. electronic, or
other methods of retrieval , is prohibited.
Address questions and comments regarding this book, as well as requests kit free catalogs of Chaosium books, parnes, and
supplements, to Chaosium, Inc., 950A 56th Street, oaldand, CA 94608-3129, U.S.A.
C"-o,lum Publication 23n. Pu bll,hed In Apri l 1998. ISBN 1·56882·122-0
Printed In Canada.
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A World o f Wonder and Beauty
Wr y the Caribbean ? you might be asking
active forces, much more threatening than the unmov-
ing monoliths of Stonehenge.
It is this vitality, this force o f spirit that draws us
to the Caribbean, that lull s us into the sway of reggae
and samba, that arouses o ur fasc ination with the dark
and sinister. lbis is a realm where drug s mugglers
ho ld great s way over governments, where pirates still
operate, killing without mercy. and where corrupt dic-
tatorships thrived for hundreds of years under the
guise of democracy. From the genocide of the native
populations to the sadi stic Tontons M acoutes of Haiti,
a legacy of horror dominates these island paradises.
I hope to bring the Caribbean to life in this
guidebook. introducing Keepers and players alike to
the wonders the islands have to offer. as well as entic-
ing them to explore the many mysteries that pervade
thi s idyllic world. Ranging from the real to the imago
inary. an abundance of adventu res can be generated
from information in this guidebook. Whether it is
exploring the caves where shoggoth s hide or plumb--
in g the ancient libraries of Dominicana, Keepers '
sho uld find plenty of exciting material to breathe life
into their campaign.
This book also gives you all the infonnation
needed to run a campaign in the Caribbean. including
s uch topics as scuba diving, hurricanes, and towns
where investi gators might find more than they were
expecting. The Caribbean is fu ll of adventure lurking
beneath its paradise-like ex terior. Keepers should find
the contrast between beauty and horror more striking
in this setting than any other. The calm oceans one
minute can tum into violent s well s twenty feet high
and the nice little resort could be home to culti sts
awai ting the conjunction o f the planets to sacrifice
their guests to the local god. It is all here for you. Read
and enj oy.
yourself. It 's barely mentioned in
Lovecraffs literature and doesn 't seem a
very dark or frightening loca le. To most of us, it is just
a great place to vacation, re minding us more of Club
Med ads and miles of while sand beaches than other-
world ly monsters and abominatio ns from beyond.
Whi le barely a hundred miles off the coast of the
United States. and th ough it shares a close his tory
with thaI country, few Keepers consider it as a locale
worth visiting, preferring the exoti c lure of the Middle
East or the familiar landscape of Europe. Even places
as (ar away as Australi a are sought oul as being simi-
lar but different regions for exploration. Yet through-
OUI the hi story of the United States and of the O ld
Worl d, the Caribbean has been a vital Li nk in main-
tain ing and overthrowing power regi mes around the
world. These neighboring islands have been wrong-
fulJ y ignored not onl y in literature but in ro lepl ay ing
games as weU. Finally, the world of wonder and beau-
ty enters the roleplaying realm.
This book is about that world and presents it in
the modem setting, one which is fi ll ed with s mug-
glers. esoteric re li gions. and upheaval. Though ele-
ments of horror have been inevitably woven into the
islands' hi stories, they contain their own terrific pasts,
complete with bloodthirsty pirates and occultists. The
mysteries of the Caribbean are not unknown to us
either: They come to us in voodoo and in the Bermuda
Tri angle. exciting o ur wonder at th e unknown.
Lege nds of zombies and voodoo dolls. realiti es in
Haiti. have become a fundamental part o f our fo lldore.
JUSt as everyo ne has heard of the Bermuda Triangle.
Yet there is muc h that we don' t know about these
thi ngs. Jus t bow is a zombie made? Where do all those
ships vanish to in the Triangle? Perhaps it is these
questions that are daunting, as they involve powerful
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H. P. Lovecraft
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