Battletech - Historical Turning Points - Galtor.pdf

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©2010 WizKids Inc. All rights Reserved. Historical Turning Points: Galtor, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech,
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18 MAY 3025
bridge. McClanahan handed the headset to the Sensor O cer as they
“Sonar’s blinded for the moment, sir, but I should be able to compen-
sate and get us our next target.” Sensor O cer Johnny Denson’s voice
was calm from his seat beside his subordinate at the sonar station. That
Denson’s training was superb was obvious from the calm cadence of his
voice, belying his inexperience.
“Damn. Well, men, we’ve got more tricks up our sleeve than that. The
pack should be joining us soon, and we can triangulate the other ’Mechs
if need be. We just need to keep the base secure from detection and this
will all be over.”
A sudden lurch threw the Ward into a 45 degree list. Baldwin’s heirloom
teacup slid o its perch and smashed onto the deck. “What the hell was
that?” Baldwin looked from station to station. “Get us righted, dammit!” He
frowned down at his shattered teacup; such a shame.
“Sir, I think they red on us but missed,” Burt Holiday, the XO, com-
mented. A high note was entering his smooth New Avalon accent.
“There’s no torpedo fast and massive enough to keel us over underwa-
ter, no matter how close it passes, especially since there was no detona—”
A look of horror replaced Baldwin’s angry expression. “Oh God no. Bring
us around, all ahead ank!”
“All ahead ank, bringing us about, aye!” came the reply of Navigation
O cer. The Ward lurched as the sub began a tight turn.
“Sir?” came the XO’s voice in Baldwin’s ear. “If that was not a torpedo,
then what—“
“It’s a sub, you idiot! Some damn sub moving so fast it shoved us right
over as it passed. Denson! Have you got that damn sonar working yet?”
“A rmative, sir. We’ve got eight signals. Four appear to be the rest
of our wolfpack Neptunes, three the remaining enemy ’Mechs, and the
eighth an unknown moving extremely fast directly toward base.”
“How the hell did they locate the base so quickly?” The captain pinched
his lower lip as the Ward completed its turn and lumbered in pursuit. “Get
me aft torpedoes on those ’Mechs, Weps. And where is the rest of the
“Moving in from their guard stations, sir. The Scherrer and the Comp-
ton should both be on-station in under a minute; the Bragg and the Laue
in two.”
Baldwin’s eyes widened as he turned to the sonar station. Looking at
the screen he saw the same thing the Drac sub commander had seen:
Ward and other four Neptunes moving toward the incoming ’Mechs in
a simple pattern with the base at their center. “I’m gonna hang for this,
assuming we make it out alive,” he muttered. “Where are those damn
torpedoes? Give me something, anything, for that hostile!”
“Solution coming now, sir. Fore and aft targets,” O’Brien replied, the
predatory grin still on his face.
“’Mechs in the water!” Crewman Saul McClanahan’s shout stopped
Captain Baldwin’s teacup several centimeters from his mouth. Raising his
bulk from the command couch in the conn of the Ward , Baldwin moved
to McClanahan’s station. “Con rmed? It’s not just another pair of mating
“Con rmed, sir. Passive sonar just registered them. Four contacts, de -
nite footfalls on the bay oor. They’re moving this way.”
“Damn. Send the alert ping to the rest of the pack, in case they’ve not
detected the intruders. Start the countdown and get me a target for racks
one through ve, please, Weps.”
A grin split his craggy face as Weapons Officer Leftenant Seymour
O’Brien hissed orders to his men and acknowledged the order. “Three
minutes to torpedo launch, Captain.”
Returning to his seat, Baldwin inhaled the heady aroma of his beloved
Darjeeling. As the three minute mark approached, he set down his teacup.
“Report readiness.”
“Aye, sir,” came the replies from all stations.
“Weapons O cer, have you selected our rst target?”
“Aye, Captain, they’re moving slowly enough along the bay oor. We
can’t miss.”
“Then let’s make the bastards pay for crashing the party, shall we? Fire
all long- and short-range tubes and reload for second volley.”
Thrumming vibration shook the stationary Neptune as ve volleys of
torpedoes leapt from its bow tubes. The torpedoes moved unerringly,
guided by sonar, to their victim: a Draconis Combine Jenner , eet of foot
on land but a crawler underwater. The Jenner ’s pilot served the Dragon
well by drowning when his cockpit was breached.
Inside the Ward McClanahan tore o his headset as the terri c explo-
sions of the impacting warheads blinded the sonar system. The clatter
and screeching of the dying ’Mech further deteriorated the sonar returns.
As the bay started to calm again McClanahan raised the headset. Just as
it clasped tight around his ears, a terrible bu eting of sound waves as-
saulted his ears.
With a scream he threw himself backward and out of his seat, smacking
his head hard on the deck. Groaning in pain and leaving a bloody smear
on the deck, McClanahan struggled back to his feet. “They’re blaring on
all frequencies, sir. It’s tanked the sonar!”
“Get to sickbay, son, for God’s sake.” Glancing about, he spotted Yeo-
man Phillips cowering in the corner. “Yeoman? Help him!” At the captain’s
glance, Yeoman Phillips dropped the clipboard he’d been carrying to the
Captain when all hell broke loose and escorted McClanahan from the
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W elcome to the rst of a new series of Historical Turning Points campaign books, designed to give players the opportunity to ght
in some of the landmark con icts of the Inner Sphere’s tumultuous history.
The general information contained in the Atlas and Combatants sections gives players the tools needed to ght an in nite
number of engagements on Galtor, while the Track section gives details on some of the larger and more pivotal battles of the planetary
struggle. The Track sections can be used with stand-alone games set in 3025.
The Atlas section presents a global view followed by some quick facts about Galtor III. Included in this section you will nd terrain
tables broken into various categories. These tables can be used as a random chart to determine the maps used in the tracks, or simply
as a guide to give you ideas of the types of terrain found on the world. This section also contains a list of various additional terrain types,
environment and other rules that can be used to enhance your game experience. All players should agree whether or not to use any or
all of these features before play begins.
The Combatants section gives details on the units who participated in the con ict and can be used by players who wish to add
authenticity to their game. While the units who actually participated in the battles are noted, in most cases the numbers on each side are
left undetermined. This allows the players to pursue the tracks with di erent forces as they wish. The rough ratio of forces on each side is
provided as a guideline. Players should feel free to balance the forces in each track as they see t, whether by battle value, tonnage, total
number of ’Mechs, or whatever else suits them.
The Tracks section presents several key battles that occurred on the world, though they are not the only ones. Players wishing to
incorporate these tracks into their Chaos Campaign campaigns should use the Warchest Points (WP) listed in the brackets. Optional
points are awarded only if the group achieves at least one Objective while using the listed option. Objective points are cumulative as
they are achieved, unless otherwise noted.
The Annex section contains six o cial Record Sheets. First is the Koryu Midget Submarine of the Draconis Combine, a transport
submarine modi ed for covert insertion of DEST squads. Next is the Hunter-Killer variant of the Neptune submarine deployed on Galtor
III. Third and fourth are the Dragon of Warlord Yorioshi and the Atlas of Warlord Samsonov. Last are the Thunderbolt of the Bremond DMM’s
Leftenant-General Mary Tallman and the Marauder of Margrave Sheridan Douglass of the Twelfth Vegan Rangers.
Project Development : Ben H. Rome
BattleTech Line Developer : Herb Beas
Writing : Geo Swift
Production Sta
Cover Design and Layout : Matt Heerdt
Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas
Maps : Ray Arrastia
Record Sheets : David L. McCulloch
Factchecking/Playtesting : Ray Arrastia, Joel
Bancroft-Connors, Paul Bowman, Tami Elder, Mike
Miller, Johannes Heidler, Craig Reed, Paul Sjardijn,
Chris Wheeler and Patrick Wynne.
Special thanks from the author : My heartfelt
thanks to Ben for o ering me the opportunity to
kick o the new Historical Turning Points series.
To the factcheckers whose e orts make this and
other products so solid, you have my appreciation.
To Herb, Randall, Loren, and all the rest, thanks for
keeping the BattleTech universe going strong.
The last four pages of this PDF are sized for 11” x 17” paper. Please keep
this in mind when printing out the document.
elcome to the rst of a new series of Historical Turning Points campaign books, designed to give players the opportunity to ght
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Noble Ruler : First Prince Hanse Davion
Appointed Ruler : Governor Skyles O’Hanlon
Star Type (Recharge Time) : F8V (179 hours)
Position in System : 3
Time to Jump Point : 12.01 days
Number of Satellites : 2 (Temos and Froma)
Surface Gravity : 1.0
Atm. Pressure : Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature : 45° C (Jungle)
Surface Water : 70 percent
Recharging Station : None
HPG Class Type : B
Highest Native Life : Mammal
Population (3025) : 33,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels : C-C-B-C-B
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