Shamanism and ritual use of Ayahuasca (Guided by the Moon) - E. McRae.pdf

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Original printed reference.PDF
(Original printed reference: MacRae, Edward Guiado pela lua- xamanismo e o uso ritual da
ayahuasca no culto do Santo Daime , São Paulo, Brasiliense,1992)
In memoriam,
Padrinho Sebastião Mota de Melo
Alan Godfrey Gonçalves MacRae
Glauco Rodrigues Bueno
Severino do Ramo
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The present work is the result of research, financed by the Brazilian funding
organizations CNPq (Post-doctorate and visiting researcher grants) and FAPESP . During the
initial field work, I relied on the excellent help of Maria Etelvina Reis de Toledo Barros, my dear
Telva; Carlos Viccari Jr. and Cristina Flora de Oliveira - from the Institute of Social Medicine and
Criminology of São Paulo - IMESC.
The elaboration of the first research report occurred during a difficult period that
coincided with the illness and eventual death of my brother. During this painful moment, I was
greatly comforted by the affection and strength of Dulce Baptista das Neves Gonçalves
MacRae, my mother. Also crucial was the collaboration and support of friends who
accompanied me on the academic retreats away from my home town of São Paulo, at which
time this book gradually took form : Julio Assis Simões, Oswaldo Lobo Fernandez, Ulisses
Ferraz de Oliveira, Pedro de Souza, Lorivaldo P. Rocha and Nestor Perlongher.
I would also like to thank Suzana Cabral and Eduardo Luna, Clodomir Monteiro da
Silva, Carlos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura, Anthony Henman, Marion Aubrée, Fernando de La
Roque Couto, André Lazaro, Walter Dias Jr., Alberto Groisman, Vera Fróes and Hirochita
Nakamaki, who gave me access to research material and to their own work on the subject.
Cláudio Leme, leader of the music group at the "Flôr das Águas" church, not only constantly
encouraged me but also enriched the Daime sessions with his beautiful flute and helped with
his transcriptions of the Daime hymns.
Júlio Dias Gaspar helped me transform my original academic prose into something
more pleasing to the general reader. The original Portuguese version of this book was
completed while I was already involved with the "Programa de Orientaçåo e Atendimento à
Dependência da Escola Paulista de Medicina" (Program of Orientation and Care for Drug
Dependence of the Escola Paulista de Medicina), whose director, Dartiu Xavier da Silveira, and
other members, I thank for their many stimulating discussions concerning issues of drug use. I
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would also like to thank Paulo Bettinelli and João Garcia Neto for their help with typing and for
their “native” comments on a few of my texts. Also invaluable were suggestions offered by my
original Brazilian publisher, Caio Graco da Silva Prado, of the Editora Brasiliense.
In 1991 during the canoe journey to Céu do Mapiá, I suffered a rather alarming accident
which cost me a few broken ribs, but at the time seemed as if it might have been more serious.
On the seemingly endless journey back to Boca do Acre, I was accompanied by Fernando
Orvath, who helped me keep my spirits up. I would also like to mention the friendship and
solidarity shown by Ulisses Ferraz de Oliveira, who accompanied me back home once I was
Finally, I want to thank the followers of the Santo Daime religion, who shared with me
their beliefs and their knowledge of the use of ayahuasca. They not only helped me to produce
a piece of academic research, but also allowed me to develop greater self-knowledge and a
better understanding of spiritual matters. Maria Cristina Cunha Bueno, "Madrinha Kiki"
(Godmother Kiki) provided me with both a very meaningful interview and much support during
this period. Padrinho (Godfather) Alex Polari de Alverga shared valuable insights with me with
respect to the Santo Daime, as did Clara Iura. I cannot forget the welcome bestowed upon me
by the other daimistas, especially those from the Flôr das Águas church in São Paulo and from
the Céu do Mapiá in the rain forest. And to Padrinhos Sebastião Mota de Melo, Manoel
Corrente, Alfredo Gregório de Melo and Wilson Carneiro I am indebted for the instruction and
inspiration that went far beyond mere academic interest.
Finally, I would like, once again, to thank my mother for her insistence that I translate this work
into English – the first draft of which she generously undertook. I also thank Michael Sommers
for having helped with part of the final revision.
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Introduction - Psychoactive Substances and Shamanism......................................................... 6
1. Shamanism in the Western Amazon ...................................................................................17
2. “Caboclo” conceptions of illness and of the use of ayahuasca...............................................35
3. The development of the Santo Daime religion .....................................................................46
4. The Santo Daime rituals.....................................................................................................79
5. The controlled use of the ayahuasca and its structuring effects in the Santo Daime rituals......98
6. From the solitary Vegetalists to the collective shamanism of the Santo Daime.....................108
Annex: Mestre Irineu's “Cruzeirinho” .....................................................................................126
About the author .................................................................................................................130
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