How Does MRI Work 2nd ed - D. Weishaupt, V. Kochli, B. Marincek (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

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Dominik Weishaupt · Victor D. Köchli · Borut Marincek
How Does MRI Work?
Dominik Weishaupt
Victor D. Köchli
Borut Marincek
How Does MRI Work?
An Introduction to the Physics and Function
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Second Edition
J. M. Froehlich, D. Nanz, K. P. Pruessmann
With 57 Figures and 9 Tables
Dominik Weishaupt, MD
Associate Professor
Institute of Diagnostic Radiology
Raemistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Klaas P. Pruessmann, PhD
Assistant Professor
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Victor D. Köchli, MD
Rötelstrasse 30, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland
Borut Marincek, MD
Professor and Chairman
Institute of Diagnostic Radiology
Raemistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Johannes M. Froehlich, PhD
Guerbet AG
Winterthurerstrasse 92, 8006 Zurich,
Daniel Nanz, PhD
Department of Medical Radiology
Raemistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Bettina Herwig
Hauptstraße 4 H, 10317 Berlin, Germany
Library of Congress Control Number: 200 69 24 129
ISBN-10 3-540-30067-8 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN-13 978-3-540-30067-0 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
1st Edition
ISBN-10 3-540-44094-1 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN-13 978-3-540-30067-0 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
Title of the Original German Edition: Wie funktioniert MRI? (5. Auage)
© Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2006, ISBN 3-540-27947-4
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Editor: Dr. Ute Heilmann, Heidelberg
Desk Editor: Wilma McHugh, Heidelberg
Cover design: Frido Steinen-Broo, eStudio Calamar, Spain
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Printed on acid-free paper 21/3100/YL 5 4 3 2 1 0
It is with great pleasure that we present this completely revised English edi-
tion of our book How Does MRI Work? An Introduction to the Physics and
Function of Magnetic Resonance Imaging only two years aer publication of
the rst English edition. We are particularly pleased that our introductory
textbook met with great approval in the English-speaking world and not just
in the German-speaking countries. is success has been an enormous in-
centive for us to further improve and update the text. For this reason, we are
now presenting a second edition. All chapters have been thoroughly revised
and updated to include the latest developments in the ever-changing eld of
MRI technology. In particular, the chapter on cardiovascular imaging has
been improved and expanded. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution
of Daniel Nanz, PhD, the author of this chapter. Moreover, two completely
new chapters have been added: “Fat Suppression Techniques” and “High-
Field Clinical MR Imaging”.
Notwithstanding these additions, the intended readership of our book
remains the same: it is not a book for MR specialists or MR physicists but
for our students, residents, and technologists, in short, all those who are
interested in MRI and are looking for an easy-to-understand introduction
to the technical basis of this imaging modality at the beginning of their MRI
e second English edition presented here corresponds to and appears
together with the completely revised h German edition.
e authors gratefully acknowledge the support of numerous persons
without whose contributions the new German and English editions of our
book would not have been possible. First of all, we thank our readers, in
particular those who bought and read the preceding versions and provided
oral and written comments with valuable suggestions for improvement.
We should furthermore like to thank Klaas P. Pruessmann, PhD, and Jo-
hannes M. Froehlich, PhD, for their excellent introductions to parallel im-
aging and MR contrast agents.
Special thanks are due to our translator, Bettina Herwig, who very know-
ledgeably and with great care translated the entire text and provided valu-
able advice in preparing the new edition.
Finally, we would like to thank Springer-Verlag, in particular Dr. U. Heil-
mann, W. McHugh, and Dr. L. Ruettinger, for their cooperation.
For the authors:
Dominik Weishaupt, MD
January 2006
Spin and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Phenomenon ....... 1
Relaxation ................................................................... 7
T1: Longitudinal Relaxation ............................................... 7
T2/T2*: Transverse Relaxation ............................................ 8
Image Contrast ............................................................ 11
Repetition Time (TR) and T1 Weighting ............................... 12
Echo Time (TE) and T2 Weighting ...................................... 13
Saturation at Short Repetition Times ................................... 15
Flip Angle (Tip Angle) .................................................... 17
Presaturation ................................................................ 18
Magnetization Transfer .................................................... 19
Slice Selection and Spatial Encoding ................................. 21
ree-Dimensional Spatial Encoding ................................... 26
K-Space ...................................................................... 27
5 Factors Aecting the Signal-to-Noise Ratio ........................ 29
5.1 Pixel, Voxel, Matrix ........................................................ 30
5.2 Slice ickness and Receiver Bandwidth ............................... 30
5.3 Field of View and Matrix .................................................. 32
5.4 Number of Excitations ..................................................... 36
5.5 Imaging Parameters ........................................................ 36
5.6 Magnetic Field Strength ................................................... 36
5.7 Coils .......................................................................... 37
5.7.1 Volume Coils ................................................................ 37
5.7.2 Surface Coils ................................................................ 37
5.7.3 Intracavity Coils ............................................................ 37
5.7.4 Phased-Array Coils ........................................................ 38
The MR Scanner ........................................................... 41
e Magnet .................................................................. 42
e Gradient System ....................................................... 44
e Radiofrequency System .............................................. 45
e Computer System ..................................................... 45
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