The Human Nervous System - Structure and Function 6th ed - C. Noback, et al., (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf

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The Human Nervous System
S tructure and Function
S ixth Ed ition
The Human Nervous System
Structure and Function
S ixth Edition
Charles R. Noback, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University, New York, NY
Norman L. Strominger, PhD
Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience
Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology)
The Albany Medical College
Adjunct Professor, Division of Biomedical Science
University at Albany Institute for Health and the Environment
Albany, NY
Robert J. Demarest
Director Emeritus
Department of Medical Illustration
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University, New York, NY
David A. Ruggiero, MA , MPhil , PhD
Departments of Psychiatry and Anatomy and Cell Biology
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, NY
© 2005 Humana Press Inc.
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Production Editor: Tracy Catanese
Cover design by Patricia F. Cleary
Cover Illustration: The cover illustration, by Robert J. Demarest, highlights synapses, synaptic activity, and synaptic-derived
proteins, which are critical elements in enabling the nervous system to perform its role.
Neural information derived from sensory receptors, both outside and within the body, activate the spines of the dendrites. As
a consequence, neural information is communicated, via the dendrites, to the nucleus of the neuron. This activates the genomic
system to release mRNA, which is transported by ribosomes, to the spines. This enables each spine to generate synaptic-specific
proteins for the neuron.
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eISBN: 1-59259-730-0
Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The human nervous system : structure and function / Charles R. Noback ...[et al.].-- 6th ed.
p. cm.
Previous ed. cataloged under: Noback, Charles Robert, 1916-.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58829-039-5 (hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 1-58829-040-9 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Neurophysiology. I. Noback, Charles Robert, 1916- Human nervous system.
QP361.H85 2005
De dication
This book is dedicated to
Peter, Elizabeth, Norma, and Teddy Noback; Sarah and Evan Bracken; Jessica, William, and
Nathan Strominger; Robert and Steven Demarest; Nancy O’Donnell; Anke Lunsmann Nolting and
members of the Ruggiero, Mirra, Nolting, von Holsten, Mahler-Welch, and Tanya-Datoek families.
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