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Bat Scratch Fever
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Bat Scratch Fever
ISBN # 1-4199-0439-6
Bat Scratch Fever Copyright© 2005 Titania Ladley.
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Willo.
Electronic book Publication: November 2005
This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Bat Scratch Fever has
been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.
Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-
rotic), and X (X-treme).
S- ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.
E- rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
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objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated
titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as
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X- treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles,
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Titania Ladley
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Harley-Davidson Motor Company Corporation Wisconsin
To Loraine, Linda, Harry Loren (the godfather), Maria, Michael and Vicky. It seems
life’s journey has been diverse and unique for us all, transporting us each onto different
avenues. Yet I’m so glad our paths remain connected by respect and the caring bond of
family. I love you all!
Bat Scratch Fever
Chapter One
Present day
Grigori, Pennsylvania
“What? What are you looking at?” Mikayla Eden yanked the red leather pants
down and out of sight behind the clothing rack. She stared over the top of the round
metal bar cram-packed with pre-owned garments. The last thing she wanted was to run
into someone she knew at the consignment shop. Relief flooded her system when she
didn’t recognize the man who now openly observed her every move.
Since one little mistake had caused her to lose her job as a fashion designer’s
assistant weeks ago, money was tight. And Mikayla wasn’t above purchasing clothes
for a job interview in a secondhand shop—as long as she didn’t bump into anyone she
knew. The leather pants weren’t for the interview, of course, but something about them,
something almost electrifying had drawn her through the maze of racks to the bright
red garment.
And now that she’d succumbed to their allure, disregarding everything and
everyone in the store, it had allowed this man to witness her interest in the sleazy article
of clothing. Sudden mortification made her long to burrow into the clothing rack and
never, ever emerge again.
Too late to hide. She’d been caught red-handed. All she could do was pray he
ignored her and moved on. But Mikayla’s prayers were never answered, and this time
was no exception.
“I like the choice of pants. Those will fit very…nicely on you.” The voice came out
deep and sensual. With little effort, it seemed to wrap her in a warm, velvety cloak of
seduction. Ink-black eyes roamed over her face in a vaguely familiar and possessive
caress. Twin slashes of raven eyebrows arched above those magnetic orbs as he studied
her in a calm, deliberate manner. With each flicker of his eyes, heat enveloped her
whole body making her weak and lightheaded. It was as if by a mere look the man
could tempt and lure her into anything he desired. Mikayla’s knees buckled and she
gripped the rack to prevent herself from collapsing to the worn carpeting. Finally, the
mesmerizing gaze settled on her eyes, holding her captive.
“T-thanks…I think.”
He continued to stare openly at her. One corner of his mouth curved up ever-so
slightly. “Mmm, you’re very welcome.”
Mikayla shivered at the sexy tone made more so by the dancing light in his eyes.
She wasn’t the least bit cold, but nonetheless, she trembled uncontrollably. Why out of
the blue did she feel as if she were whirling inside a blaze-filled tunnel? And why did
her heart suddenly race and her pussy throb with a force she couldn’t control?
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