Call of Cthulhu - Dubious Shards.pdf

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D ubious s harDs
by Kenneth Hite
Book Layout and Design by Philip Reed
Tarot Illustrations and Design by Kenneth Hite
Kenneth Hite l Table of Contents
C ontents
Acknowledgements and Clear Credit ........................................3
Lore ..............................................................................................5
The “How” of Hastur ...................................................................................... 5
The Trail of Dagon ........................................................................................ 15
Irem, the City of Pillars ................................................................................. 19
Vampish Vapours in the Shunned House....................................................... 24
Down to Dunwich ......................................................................................... 30
The Shadow Out of Lovecraft....................................................................... 36
The Winslow Project..................................................................41
2006 Preface.................................................................................................. 41
Keeper’s Information .................................................................................... 43
Investigator’s Information............................................................................. 44
Welcome to Winslow .................................................................................... 47
The Investigators Arrive................................................................................ 59
Courses of Investigation................................................................................ 60
Homecoming Night ....................................................................................... 60
Aftermath ...................................................................................................... 62
NPC Statistics ................................................................................................................ 62
Criticism .....................................................................................66
The Shadow from the Right .......................................................................... 66
The Man Who Shot Joseph Curwen.............................................................. 72
Acknowledgements and Clear Credit l Dubious Shards
a CknowleDgements anD
C lear C reDit
“The ‘How’ of Hastur” appears here for the irst time anywhere. I ran across the Clark Ashton
Smith quote that sparked the whole piece in David E. Schultz’ “Notes Toward a History of the
Cthulhu Mythos” in Crypt of Cthulhu #92. Likewise, “The Man Who Shot Joseph Curwen” is
original to this book. I discovered the connection between Call of Cthulhu and the Western on my
own, but very proitably mined Donald R. Burleson’s “Lovecraft: An American Allegory” in Crypt
of Cthulhu #78 while constructing this piece.
Portions of the essays on Dagon, Irem, the Shunned House vampires, Dunwich, and H.P.
Lovecraft appeared in different form in Pyramid magazine. I’d like to thank the editors and readers
of Pyramid for their support and feedback. Check it out, along with a lot more of my pointless
rambling, at
“The Winslow Project” is the property of Pagan Publishing, and is published under license from
the Delta Green Partnership. I’d like to thank Adam Scott Glancy for his kind permission to use it in
this collection, and John Tynes for rapid reaction to the incoming PDF.
The review of Michel Houellebecq’s book irst appeared in different form on my LiveJournal: I’d like to thank the commenters to that piece. I’d especially
like to thank Robin Laws for pointing me toward the Guardian proile of Houellebecq that rescued
me from a serious mischaracterization. Hell, I’d like to thank Robin Laws in general.
Throughout this entire book, I have leaned without regret on S.T. Joshi’s magisterial biography
of Lovecraft, H.P. Lovecraft: A Life, and on his annotated and corrected editions of the tales in three
volumes for Penguin Books. That’s why “Imprisoned With the Pharaohs” appears here as “Under
the Pyramids,” for example.
Call of Cthulhu  is Chaosium, Inc.’s trademarked game of horror and wonder, and the term
is used solely for purposes of illustration. No challenge to Chaosium trademarks is intended or
I’d also like to thank Trey Reilly of GAMA, without whom this project would not have happened,
and Phil Reed, without whom it would have looked just terrible.
The intellectual property known as Delta Green is trademarked and copyright  2002 the
Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Dubious Shards , and the Tarot of Cthulhu,
are copyright  2006 by Kenneth Hite, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta
Green intellectual property. All rights reserved. If you pirate this book, you’re not just stealing from
me, you’re taking food out of the bowl of my cat. And we all know what happens to people who do
that, in Ulthar and anywhere else.
Kenneth Hite l Lore
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