
(37 KB) Pobierz
   by Edward Chang (chang.459@osu.edu)

Special Thanks to Calico and Kintaro

1. Track One - Daybreak

Narrator: Guilty Gear X, Drama CD, Vol. 1

Narrator: Prologue - Daybreak

Narrator: The 22nd Century. Mankind succeeds in understanding the theory of
   magic, and thus unlocks limitless energy. Science becomes regarded as a
   technology of the "Old World" and is forbidden worldwide. But then, by
   the power of magic, the forbidden living weapons, Gears, were created.
   Mankind feared the judgment of these weapons that possessed wills. After
   the destruction of a nation, the Holy Order of Knights was formed, and 
   the Gears were sealed.

Shopkeeper: Hmm, well then, how's this?

Johnny: What a joke, gramps! That's too much beyond the definition of too

Shopkeeper: Even if you say that, I have a business to run...

Johnny: Hey, it's not like you don't know who I am, right?

Shopkeeper: Leader of the pirates, Johnny-san, right?

Johnny: Ye-es, that's right. I have to take care of all the members of the
   Jellyfish pirates, you know... so why don't you just take a little bit
   more off that abacus there.

Shopkeeper: Well, I can't really refuse you, Johnny-danna. Hmm, let's see...
   how's this! I can give you this much a discount.

Johnny: Ok, ok, that sounds better.

May: Hey hey Johnny, look at this! Get me this too!

Shopkeeper: Oh miss, you have very good taste! That's a French-style wedding
   dress. It looks great with you! Just like it was made for you!

May: Really? Really? Does it really fit?!

Shopkeeper: Hmm, if we add that, the total comes to... this...

Johnny: We don't need the dress. Just the stuff before is fine.

May: I want this dress! I want want want want want want want it!

Shopkeeper: See, miss wants it this badly...

Johnny: Ah, non, non. Even so I cannot listen to this lady's wish.

May: But Johnny, I wanted a real wedding dress.....

Johnny: It's BECAUSE it's real. You don't want to get such a dress in a
   run-down place like this, right?

Shopkeeper: This "run-down place"?

Johnny: Don't worry, I'll buy you one one day.

Shopkeeper: Um, hey, how about I add this on! I hear that nearby there's
   a newly discovered ruins from the Old World.

May: Yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!

Johnny: Huh, what, what? Peddling tourist attractions now?

Shopkeeper: No, no, it sounds like they found it by coincidence. Maybe you'll
   find something worthwhile there?

Johnny: A heart full of uncaring...

Shopkeeper: Oh, now don't say that! Why don't you take it as something to
   cheer up miss.

May: Johnny, let's go!

Johnny: Geez...

Shopkeeper: You see, these ruins seem to be REAL ruins...


Ky: An authentic ruins site?

Officer: Yes, and it seems that it's open to the public for sightseeing...

Ky: Seems? There's no confirmation yet?

Officer: Y-yes, we're currently forming an inquisition into it...

Ky: If it's real, then people are once again selling ridiculous things...

Officer: What shall we do?

Ky: It's obvious, isn't it? If it's really a ruins site of the Old World,
   we must seal it away. We, the Police Force, must protect the public.
   Sealing away things with Old World technology, and sealing Gears...
   those are now even more so our duty, as ex-members of the Holy Order.

Officer: Y-yes! I understand!

Ky: Then let us hurry. Just showing off Old World technology is problem
   enough, but if by any chance this involves Gears, we have absolutely
   no time to waste.

Officer: But then... but...

Ky: I will go and examine the site personally. Can the airships fly
   straight away?

Officer: They can be ready in 15 minutes.

Ky: Do it in ten.

Officer: Sir!

Ky: And we haven't even cleaned up the aftereffects of the Blackard
   Company incident... one after the other... this time, we must make
   sure nobody suffers.


Showman: Ticketholders! In front of you, the wonders of the Old World shall
   be revived! It almost can't be believed! The just-discovered ruins!
   You'll regret it if you don't see it! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and
   girls, husbands and wives, come and see! The ruins where you can see
   miracles! The entrance is this way!

Johnny: Hmm? Pretty close to the town, eh?

May: Pretty empty, huh, Johnny?

Johnny: This clearly feels like the word "suspicious".

May: (A date with Johnny, date, date! If we can get alone in the dark, then
   maybe "May, I'm starting to feel like the word "you"" "Me too Johnny"...
   as if!)

Johnny: Hey... ladies first!

Showman: Yes, two customers, this way!

Johnny: What's this!?

May: It's so empty... see, even the bed's standing up to the side. It looks
   like a place to live...

Johnny: Certainly simple living... the walls and doors are laid out plainly,
   and not a single window...

May: I-it's kind of hard to breathe in here...

Johnny: So were we tricked by that old man?

May: Ah, look, Johnny! A funny machine!

Johnny: Hmm... looks like an airship launcher, maybe?

May: I wonder what people used to do with this thing...

Johnny: Even I don't know the answer to that.

May: A bunch of people would gather here, to do what?

Johnny: Is this really a ruin of the Old World?

May: It's not romantic at all!

Johnny: Oh? And what did you come here to do?

May: Um, uh...

Johnny: Oh? And this is?

Showman: Um, like I said, it's not that!

Johnny: Hmm?

Ky: So, there's no problem in showing us then, right?

Showman: Um, this is no good... not that I've ever defied the Police Force!

Officer #1: Then step aside and let us in!

Officer #2: You! It's not like you don't know that the reckless use of 
   Old technology is forbidden!

Showman: Of course I know! Like I said, these ruins are...

Johnny: ...fake and for show, right?

Showman: Oh, sir...!

May: How mean, you tricked us!?

Showman: No, but...

Ky: (Hmm? That voice, that face...!)

Johnny: Huh?

Officer #1: So you're saying these ruins are real then?

Showman: No, that's not what I'm saying!

May: So you did fool us!

Johnny: May, let's not get mixed up in this.

May: Why, Johnny!

Johnny: Excuse us, officers.

Ky: Wait. Johnny Sfondi... of the Jellyfish Airmen, right?

May: Not "airmen", happy "pirates"!

Johnny: May.

Ky: You were of great help during the Blackard incident. Thanks to your
   airship, most of the villagers were able to escape unscathed.

Johnny: No need for thanks, we did accept a reward. From that... um, 
   what's his name, oh right. Your secretary, Bernard.

Officer #2: Captain...

Showman: Please, not here...

Johnny: Hey hey hey hey. I have no business here, but is that your way
   of doing things?

May: If you do anything to Johnny, I won't forgive you!

Ky: I feel it is unfortunate too. But...

Narrator: Ky Kiske of the Police Force meets the Jellyfish Pirates' Johnny and
   May. The place, an unexplored ruin. Though Ky owes Johnny, Johnny is the
   leader of a band of pirates. Will Ky and Johnny cross swords? Fate draws
   them in to a fight. The judgment cannot be escaped...

2. Track Two - 15-15 (Fifteen All)

Marrator: Chapter Two - 15-15

Narrator: Meeting by coincidence at an Old World ruin, Ky of the Police Force
   and May and Johnny of the Jellyfish pirates. Is their fight a necessary

Johnny: Hey. Hey! One more hey! Is drawing your sword against somebody you
   owe the justice of the Police Force?

Ky: I am very grateful that you assisted in safeguarding the villagers in 
   that Blackard incident. But...!

May: You could just leave it at the thanks, right, Johnny?

Ky: I'm serving as an official now. As an officer of the police force, I
   can't let a criminal...

Johnny: ..."can't let a criminal run away" or something like that! To
   start a fight in a place dangerous like this... you're not thinking,
   are you?

Officer 1: Captain, is this ok?

Officer 2: Even among known criminals, Johnny of the Jellyfish Pirates is

Officers: Captain, let's arrest him!

May: If you do anything to Johnny, I won't forgive you!

Officer 1: Shut up!

Officer 2: Criminals are...

May: It's going to hurt...!

May: It's better if you don't think I'm a child!

Johnny: U-um, May...

May: If you want to catch Johnny, I'll be your opponent!

Ky: Are you alright?

Officer 1: S-somehow...

Officer 2: Being so reckless...

Ky: I can't let you go any more. Now, we can only fight.

May: Iruka-san!

Ky: Stun Edge!

Johnny: I have to teach her a little more control...

Ky: If we fight here...

Johnny: We have no idea what kind of things are sleeping here! May! Think
   about where we are.

May: But Johnny...

Ky: Wide open!

May: Wo-ah, that was dangerous.

Ky: Not bad.

May: If it comes to this... Great Yamada Attack!

Johnny: Damn, it started to crumble!

Ky: Even Old technology probably won't stand up to a shock like this...!
   We should get out...

Disc: This disc is a Data Disc collecting the current scientific knowledge
   of the world. Knowledge, origins, and scientific technology are recorded
   in this technological backbone. Please select a chapter number or use
   the search key. Or, to search by genre, please use the Genre Select

Ky: A holographic image?

May: What, what!

Johnny: This is...

Ky: Without a doubt, blacktech! An Old World...

Johnny: ...inheritance. This is real.

May: Treasure?! That tablet is mine!

Ky: I won't let you!

May: Johnny...

Johnny: Serious... Mist Finer!

Ky: What are you doing!

Johnny: Don't lag behind, May.

May: But the tablet's cut in half...!

Johnny: Just half is fine! Don't drop it!

Ky: Wait! Old World technology is... you won't get away!

May: Johnny's so mean! The tablet's in half...!

Johnny: Running away comes first! It's crumbling. Hurry!

Ky: Wait!


April: So, what you brought back... is this broken-in-half tablet?

May: Yeah, April. Johnny was like "Ha!" and cut it in half....
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