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The Triad of Skulls
You are a famous bounty hunter who has just completed your most dangerous mission
yet. To capture three deadly criminals known as the Trio of Skulls alive. You are
travelling across the ocean, back to Allansia to collect your huge bounty, but you are
about to realise that it’s not going to be plain sailing all the way…
Skill, stamina and luck
Roll one die and divide the result by 2, rounding fractions up. Add 9 to this number and
enter this to the skill box in your adventure sheet.
Roll two dice. Add 12 to this number and enter this to the stamina box in your adventure
Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this to the luck box in your adventure sheet.
Your skill score represents your prowess in combat. The higher your skill, the more
formidable you will be in combat. Your stamina score represents your strength and your
durability. The higher your stamina score, the longer you will be able to survive. Your
luck score represents how lucky a person you are.
Testing your skill, stamina and luck
In some situations in the adventure, you may be called upon to test your skill . Roll two
dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than your skill score then you have
succeeded the test of skill. If it is higher, you have failed.
If you are ever called upon to test your stamina , roll one die 4 times. If the number rolled
is less than or equal to your current stamina score, you have succeeded. If it is higher,
then you have failed.
You may also be called upon to test your luck. The procedure for this is similar to testing
you skill. Roll two dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than your luck score,
then you have been lucky. If it is higher, you have been unlucky. Every time you test
your luck, you must subtract 1 from your current luck score. Using luck is a risky
business, so don’t test it too much!
You will often come across situations in the book where you are instructed to fight a
creature of some sort. You must resolve the battle as set out below.
Make sure you take into account of any changes to your attack strength. If you are
unarmed, you must subtract 2 from your attack strength. If you use 2 weapons in combat,
you have 2 separate attacks, but you must subtract 1 from your attack strength.
First, record the creature’s skill and stamina scores in the first vacant encounter box on
your adventure sheet . The scores for each creature are given in the book each time you
have an encounter. The sequence of the combat is then:
1. Roll both dice once for the creature. Add its skill score. This total is the
creature’s attack strength.
2. Roll both dice once for yourself. Add the number rolled to your skill score. This
total is your attack strength. If you are using two weapons repeat this process.
3. If your attack strength is higher than your opponent, you have wounded it:
proceed to step 4. If the creature’s attack strength is higher than yours, it has
wounded you: proceed to step 5. If both attack strength totals are the same, you
have avoided each other’s blows – start the next combat round from step 1, above.
4. You have wounded the creature, so subtract 2 from its stamina score. You may
use luck to inflict additional damage (see below). Now proceed to step 6.
5. The creature has wounded you, so subtract 2 from your own stamina score.
Again, you may use luck at this stage (see below).
6. Make the appropriate adjustments to the stamina score of either the creature or
yourself (and to your luck score if you used luck – see below).
7. Begin the next attack round by repeating steps 1 to 6.
This sequence continues until the stamina score of either the creature you are fighting or
yourself has been reduced to 0 (death). If you die, you must start your adventure again
from the start.
Fighting more than one opponent
Sometimes you will have to fight more than a single opponent. If you are told to take
them on one at a time, proceed by fighting them individually in the order in which they
are listed. If you are instructed to fight them all together, at the start of each combat
round, you must design which one you are attacking. Next roll both dice for each of your
opponents to determine their individual attack strengths. Resolve your personal combat
against your chosen adversary in the usual way for that combat round. Then compare
your combat strengths for that round with the attack strengths of all your other
opponents. Any creature with a higher attack strength than yours has scored a hit against
you, and you must subtract 2 points from their stamina. If you have a higher attack
strength than an opponent you haven’t chosen to attack then you do not wound it.
Two weapon combat
You are a mighty warrior and have seen many battles. Throughout your years of combat,
you have learnt to use two weapons. Your adventure sheet has a box for wielding
weapon you wield in your main hand and a weapon you wield in your off hand. If you
ever find two weapons, you can wield both of them in combat so you can have the benefit
of two attacks. If you fight multiple opponents, you can use each attack on separate
opponents. However, if you do, you must reduce your attack strength by 1 when
calculating your attack strength for both of these attacks.
Using luck in combat
On certain pages, you will be told to test your luck and will be informed as to the
consequences of your being lucky or unlucky. However, in battles, you have the option
of using your luck, either to inflict a more serious wound on a creature you have just
wounded or to minimize the effects of a wound a creature has just inflicted on you.
If you have wounded a creature, you may test your luck as described above. If you are
lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound and may subtract an extra 2 points from the
creature’s stamina score. However, if you are unlucky, the wound was a mere graze and
you must restore 1 point to the creature’s stamina score (i.e. instead of scoring the normal
2 points of damage, you have now scored only 1).
If the creature has just wounded you, you may test your luck to try to minimize the
wound. If you are lucky you have managed to avoid the full damage of the blow.
Restore 1 point of stamina (i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage, it has done only 1).
If you are lucky, you have received a more serious blow. Subtract 1 extra stamina point
(i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage, it has done 3).
Remember that you must subtract 1 point from your own luck score each time you test
your luck .
Restoring skill, stamina and luck
Your skill will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally, a paragraph may
give you instructions to increase or decrease your skill score. Your skill score can never
exceed its initial value unless otherwise stated in the text.
Your stamina score will change a lot during your adventure as you battle enemies and
undertake arduous task. As you near your goal, your stamina score may be dangerously
low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful.
There will be opportunities in your adventure to restore stamina through food and rest.
They may not come often, so make sure you take these opportunities whenever you can.
Remember also that your stamina score may never exceed its initial value unless you are
specifically instructed to otherwise.
Additions to your luck score are awarded during your adventure after you have been
particularly lucky; details are given in the appropriate paragraphs of the book.
Remember that as with skill and stamina, your luck score may never exceed its initial
value, unless you are specifically instructed otherwise in the paragraph.
You will start this adventure with no equipment, but you may acquire other items on your
travels. Since you have no backpack or any other means of storage, you may only carry a
maximum of four items of equipment. The items you are carrying in your hands do not
count towards these items.
‘You have faced worse than this.’ You mutter to yourself as the wind howls around you
and the rain pelts you in the face. A flash of lightning briefly lights up the frantic crew of
the Barbaran desperately trying to keep the ship steady in the storm. It goes dark. Then
thunder crashes right over your heads. ‘Damn the Gods!’ Shouds Captain Maktas over
the storm. ‘Get that sail down! Helmsman, hard port!’
As you wrestle frantically with the mainsail, you briefly reflect on the misfortune that led
you to get caught in the ocean in one of the worst storms you have seen. You crossed this
ocean once, on the way to Khul but the seas were calm and you were leader of a band of
bounty hunters, full of enthusiasm and ready for adventure. Three months later, you are
trying to return to Port Blacksand, your companions all dead and nothing to show for it
but three dangerous criminals.
‘Oi! Stop messing with that sail and check on the prisoners! The last thing I want is
three maniacs running around during a storm!’ Barks the captain to you. You hastily
drop the mainsail and head down below deck, relieved to be out of the storm. You think
of your three prisoners, each of them mad, vicious, sadistic bastards. The Triad of Skulls
as they were called caused havoc in Port Blacksand for months. The thieves’s guild at
first tried to recruit them, but when their messenger’s head was found on the doorstep of
the guild building, they decided to enlist the help of their close allies, the assassins’ guild.
Even that didn’t work, with seven good assassins killed before they could carry out their
deeds. So the Thieves’ guild had to find someone else. They ordered Lord Azzzur to put
out a 5000 gold piece reward for each member of this gang. Eventually, with so many
attacks and close calls, the Triad of Skulls decided to leave Blacksand and sail to Khul.
However, they finally met their match. Although all of your companions died in the
attempt to capture them, you finally have them in chains.
As you enter the cell, they look at you. There is Pyrro, a mad dwarf with a fixation on
firepowder. He blew open Port Blacksands prison and released all the prisoners. He also
sank a merchant’s ship when the merchant refused to pay him 10,000 gold pieces. Then
there is Uria, a necromancer. Her skin is pale and her eyes hard and cold. She raised the
dead of Port Blacksand and had them attack any who roamed the streets at night. Finally
there is Gunther, a huge barbarian who slaughtered dozens of solders and townsfolk to
steal their money. They stare back at you with contempt. You turn to leave them, when
an explosion rocks the ship. You hear the captain bellow for pitch to fill the leak when a
heavy blow lands on your head. ‘Aye Gunther, those chains Were weak!’ laughts Pyrro.
‘Yes! While the crew is trying to stop their ship from sinking, we will escape!’ You hear
Uria mutter some incantation and waver her arms and then your vision fades as you fall
You climb back into consciousness. The captain is slapping you.
‘Damn you! The ship’s doomed! We have to abandon it! Those criminals of yours have
escaped on a giant sea serpent to Fire Island! We must go!’
You curse and stumble up the stairs to the deck. As you get on there, the ship lurches to
the right and you are flung into the sea. You are hit hard by the cold water as land . You
struggle to get to the surface. As you get there, you are flung this way and that by the
waves. In the distance, you can see Fire Island, so you try feebly to get there. You start
to panic and swim desperately for the shore. You don’t remember much after that. You
remember the feel of the sand on the beach. You remember many painted faces and
feeling many hands drag you along the ground. Then all goes black…
You are lying in a cage, dazed and bleeding. Lose 3 stamina points. Until you find a
weapon, subtract 2 from your attack strength in combat. You try to break the wicker
bars, but in your weakened state, you cannot manage it. As the light of the dawn shines
into the clearing, you are able to examine your surroundings. The area you are in
contains many primitive mud huts. Around the edge of the clearing stand sharpened
sticks. Impaled on each stick is a human skull. However, you notice that there is one
sharpened stick that does not have a head on it.
Headhunters start to emerge from their huts dressed in their primitive clothing and
covered in paint. Some of them start to pile up wood for a large fire. The children of the
tribe start to dance around your cage and jeer at you. Eventually, the fire is lit and a
headhunter approaches your cage with a vicious grin on his face. As his hand reaches for
the door, the look of glee turns to one of pain and confusion. The headhunter keels over
and you notice a dart sticking out from his neck. A cry of alarm goes up as darts and
arrows fly out of the jungle. Headhunters grab their weapons as goblins emerge from the
undergrowth, stabbing at the headhunters with daggers. Chaos erupts as a battle ensues
for the village. Everyone has forgotten you, so you attempt your escape. The headhunter
lying on the floor near your cage is holding a weapon that you can reach. You grab it
with the plan of using it to break the bars of your cage. Roll 1 die. If you roll a 1-2, turn
to 78. If you roll a 3-4, turn to 40. If you roll a 5-6, turn to 22.
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